
Christmas in Brienne's iPad

Christmas in Brienne's iPad

Brienne has an iPad. It wasn't a Christmas gift or a birthday gift. (This is one reason that expensive gifts are not a part of our Christmas celebrations. We buy our kids what they need, and what we can afford, throughout the year. We don't wait till Christmas.) Brienne's iPad ...



Dolls, model cars, and stories. Faires and soup. Mittens, fleece pants, and split boards. Onion honey cough syrup (just in case) and shepherd's pie. There is secret making with closed doors and whispered plans, but these other makings are the ones we share. Making a drive to the mountains, a ...

For the birds (but mostly for me)

For the birds (but mostly for me)

I didn't ask him to make me bird feeder. What I said was, "all I want for my birthday is a bird feeder". I didn't specify a beautiful handmade bird feeder. We live in the woods. There is a small clearing around our house but otherwise we are surrounded by ...

Raising Kids that Craft (or not)

Raising Kids that Craft (or not)

We create because it brings us joy. We make useful things, and some not so useful things, and we learn important skills. We make time for creativity in our homeschool curriculum because it is one of our family's core values. Does this mean you have to craft with your kids? ...

I may be hopelessly sentimental but that's what birthdays are for

I may be hopelessly sentimental but that's what birthdays are for

Dolly turned ten this past Sunday. We have called Brienne Dolly since she was a baby. She was our doll, our last baby, and the name stuck. We know a Dolly, she's a sweet woman in her seventies. I wonder if Brienne will stay Dolly as she grows or if ...



While I procrastinate a little longer on finishing my elementary homeschool curriculum series, I thought I'd share one piece of our writing curriculum - Freewrite.

Handmade Chess Sets

Handmade Chess Sets

Our kids have had a fascination with all things medieval for years. They love historical fiction set in this time period. They love medieval type fantasy stories. (We devoured the Lord of the Rings books and movies years ago already.) And now they love computer role playing games with a ...