Christmas in Brienne's iPad

Brienne has an iPad. It wasn't a Christmas gift or a birthday gift. (This is one reason that expensive gifts are not a part of our Christmas celebrations. We buy our kids what they need, and what we can afford, throughout the year. We don't wait till Christmas.)

Brienne's iPad was a homeschool purchase. It's one of her main technology learning tools right now. Providing our kids the right technology tools at the right time is part of our homeschooling philosophy. And an iPad is a good fit for Brienne's needs and interests and even her curriculum. (Celine has a MacBook and Laurent and iPod, both chosen to best meet the child's learning needs.)

Lately, Brienne's interest in photography has shot through the roof. She is borrowing my camera more and more often and also taking hundreds of photos on her iPad. My kids have grown up with a mommy blogger. Recording the minutiae of domestic life is normal to them. 

This Christmas I had fun taking photos of Brienne taking photos on her iPad. She thought it was a hoot also. She loves my interest in her photography.

Christmas through her "lens".

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Holiday Color »
  • Elana

    Elana on Dec. 27, 2012, 10:56 a.m.

    will you be able to share how Brienne uses the ipad for homeschooling? thank you!


    • renee

      renee on Dec. 27, 2012, 1:29 p.m.

      I may expound a bit in the new year, but basically she uses it for her e-mail, apps, writing, to access e-books, to listen to stories, and for her herb curriculum. 


  • Jess

    Jess on Dec. 27, 2012, 7:49 p.m.

    I too would like to hear more about how you regard technology in your household. When we first had children we were strict with no technology at all in our home and thought it best. Over the years my husband and I have come to love technology and the resources of the internet and friends found on the internet. I want to embrace this new found love of it but find that I am having a hard time letting go of my ideals about a technology free home and what I think life should be like. I tend to compare our lives to others' and automatically think that the assumed deficits in mine are caused by time spent with technology. I also have a hard time letting go of the generally sweeping notion that kids who spend a lot of time on technology are going to be inept and that no true learning takes place in front of a tv/computer/ipad/etc (even though I truly do not believe that). I also struggle between setting strict time limit boundaries and letting them explore on their own time-line and discovering self control. I know that the needs and wants for such things are different for each family and I should only do what is necessary for mine, but often find it hard to drown out the voice in my own head drawing comparisons to families that have strict limits or no technology at all. All that to say that I have really enjoyed seeing how y our children use their resources, no matter what format they come in.


  • Rana

    Rana on Dec. 27, 2012, 11:25 p.m.

    Her pictures are great. She has a great mentor. My kids love to use our Ipad for taking pictures. They also love to use my old digital video camera to make movies and pretend news casts. It's always fun to watch what they come up with and where their imaginations take them.


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