December 30, 2017
Christmas is a lot of work and energy - the food, gifts, decorations. And for our family, scattered as we are across eastern Canada, Christmas also means hosting out-of-town family. Though I've enjoyed hosting Christmas in previous years, this year going to my parents was an incredible gift.
December 21, 2017
What I do hope with all my heart, is that you experience love, light, and connection this season, through some ritual or practice, as a reminder of your identity, value, and meaning as a human.
December 12, 2017
We long for a rescue, for the arrival, but what if that reality is already here? What if the rescue is knowing God, not outside of the shitty stable, but right in it? Not in the resolution of the hard thing, but in the experience of it?
December 3, 2017
This is the time of year I think, dream, and plan my winter crafting. Tis' the season. I think about finishing projects I didn't last winter and starting new projects. If you're anything like me, you're doing the same thing.
December 2, 2017
The women I come from, my mom, aunties and grandmas; make beautiful, useful, warm and cozy things. They knit, crochet, sew, quilt, appliqué, and weave. I belong to a lineage of women makers, it is a heritage I am proud of and deeply grateful for. Women who make warmth out of scraps, beauty of balls of yarn, homes out of handmade.