Monthly Archives Sep 2006

Organic Locally Grown Kids
kiddo update

kiddo update

Celine started dance recently and has been enjoying that once again. I get that "she's growing up so fast" ache in my chest when I look in on her class and see her sitting back straight, bun a top her head, in a circle of little girls. Ballet very much ...

A rare treat

A rare treat

What a rare treat to have extended family visit us this weekend. We had a wonderful visit with my grandparents and aunt & uncle who were traveling on their way to Nova Scotia for a vacation. Their visit brought up that by now familiar tension in me. The struggle between ...

Life Is Good

Life Is Good

Except when you have typed a succinct yet eloquent blog only to press one button, mistakenly, and lose it all - arhhh!! So, since I'm trying to simplify my life I will not rehash all that I wrote. Instead I will say this. We feel like we are sitting on ...

Bathroom reno photos

Bathroom reno photos

Here's the bathroom before and after photos. We still need to add trim where the wall meets the ceiling. We don't like to waste and discard usable things so we kept the sink, even though its kind of ugly, but repainted the vanity for a fresher look. There used to ...

A funny thing happened...

A funny thing happened...

during these renovations. I was able to slowly let go of summer and shift into planning & transition mode. During the last week of renos I was so busy that some of our usual summer activities ceased. Not to mention the weather cooled slightly. And so although I'm not usually ...

Another room

Another room

This is the "master bedroom" & laundry area of the basement. I couldn't take any more photos of this room since our tenant is settled in there and I didn't want to breech his privacy posting photos.

Nature photos

Nature photos

A reprieve from basement renos:

A job almost done

A job almost done

The basement is almost done. Our tenant moved in this weekend, in the midst of us finishing the bathroom and the floors. We're absolutely exhausted, our house is a disaster from not being cleaned for days, the yard is overgrown and the gardens weedy etc.... Our normal lives basically ceased ...