shooting the sunset

How to Shoot a Sunset

  1. Notice the gorgeous sky, for days on end, as the sun is setting and I am starting to prepare supper. Wish, wish, wish I was on a mountain top, somewhere, anywhere but the kitchen during this golden hour of the day.
  2. Check the weather and notice another clear day in the forecast, not too cold either.
  3. Decide that Wednesday afternoon the kids and I will walk to the nearby boulder topped hill on the campus where Damien works to photograph the sunset.
  4. Wednesday lunch get out my camera manual and a reference book. Reacquaint myself with metering and exposure bracketing. Make notes to try to remember what buttons to push and in what order. But decide to bring the manual along just in case I can't understand my notes.

  5. Start supper at 3pm. If I'm going to be photographing the sunset during my usual supper prep time I need to start that task early so when we come home the soup will be almost done and ready to eat.
  6. 4pm. Quick, quick, quick kids! Out of the house. The sun is setting sooner than I anticipated. Grab my backpack with my manual, reference book, tripods and water bottle.
  7. Thoroughly enjoy the 10 minute walk to the hill. Scramble up after the kids.
  8. Get to the top. No sun, just an orange sky. According to the man with binoculars at the top we missed the sunset by 10 minutes or so. Which means the sun is setting at the ridiculously early hour of 4pm, can it be that time of year already?
  9. Hang out at the top, take photos anyway of the deepening shades of pink, orange, red, blue and purple that is dusk in November.
  10. Kids run through the grasses pretending to be wild animals playing a hunting game.
  11. Pack up, stumble down the rocks in the dark. Maybe next time we'll see the sun actually set.
  12. </ol>


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    • Shawna

      Shawna on Nov. 22, 2009, 7:33 p.m.

      still beautiful! how i miss those clear new england skies. we're at very similar latitudes, but we won't see the sun for weeks now due to rainy season. makes it feel like the sun is gone by 3, heehee. thanks for the fall pick me up!


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