November 17, 2009
Early morning as I start the laundry and make my coffee I watch the sun rise over my neighbors' roofs and tree tops through my kitchen window. Much later I can watch it set from the other half of the house, through our learning room window, near my desk. But I'm rarely at my desk as the sun sets these days, I'm cooking supper; in the dark. Not really the dark, obviously the lights are on but outside is just so dark.
But not the mornings. Maybe that's why I'm so happy mid morning. It's the time of day I hit my stride. The day feels young, the first chores are done, school or projects are swinging, the laundry is hung and the sun is still peeking through my kitchen window. By lunchtime its bright face is behind our neighbor's house and the kitchen, though still well lit, lacks the warmth of the sun's rays.
I took the above photo this morning because I love my kitchen counter's ordinary-ness and everyday beauty.
The orange slice, its own little sun in my window; a loner that I saved from being packed away with the rest of the dried oranges that will make their appearance next month strung on the Christmas tree. The fused glass tile my daughter made for me last November, that just as I predicted, seriously brightened last winter and will do so again in the coming months. The stained glass fish my mom gave me years ago, just because. My echinacea & siberian ginger tincture infusing on the sunny windowsill, preparing to keep our family healthy this winter. The bouquet of chrysanthemums from my garden that look as good today as they did when I picked them 2 weeks ago. And the squash from last week's farm pick up which was an amazing haul of roots, greens & late fall apples.
Each of these items brings a memory, a blessing, a reminder of something sweet. Of loving and being loved. Of providing for my family and taking care of their health.
Simple pleasures, on my kitchen counter. What are some of yours?
I am contributing this to Moms' 30 Minute Blog Challenge at Steady Mom. Yay, a post written in under 30 minutes!
beautiful renee!!!
my favorite simple pleasure of late is a thrifted wooden breakfast tray -- every day i fill it with oatmeal, scrambled eggs, and various fixings.
we've been eating breakfast together as a family more regularly and i just love this time and carrying the tray out to the table.
exhale. return to center.'s last blog post... the house is quiet and?
I love my kitchen window in the morning, too. It makes me so happy to begin my day when I look at it! It also faces east, it is a garden window filled with things that make me happy! So, it looks like you & I may have a bit of kindred spirits!
I found your blog by partcipating in Steady Mom's challenge today!
yes yes yes. i love mornings too. by evening, i am always feeling a step or two behind, the kids hit their wired=tired state and i am a bit wiped out. (my mom called that stretch just before dinner/bath/bed arsenic hour!) it is the raised shelf above our sink, with windows looking out to our yard that holds my treasures. old bottles and tins, a glass rooting a sprig of italian mint, an old kitchen scale, a box of colorful asian teacups, and a big basket of fruit. usually, it holds a bit of clutter, too, but i am working on that! nicola
nicola@which name?'s last blog post... WIP
The picture to this post is so simple and perfect and gorgreous. What joy!
Shannon's last blog post... Dancing Leaves
Hmmm...right now I have a line-up of gifts for friends we'll be visiting next week for Thanksgiving:
bright red and yellow hot wax peppers in ball jars - beautiful! Thieves'herbs vinegar, infusing for mid-winter health beeswax candles from our Farmer's market small bags of black gold - worm poop!
and a bowl of buckeyes, acorns and other finds that have wandered in via small pockets, fists, mama's bag...
and a bag of dried elderberries, waiting for a moment to become elderberry syrup! and yes, squash from the market: 4 butternut, 1 acorn and 2 small buttercup...whew!
I don't have much space, but I have two rocks that say "peace" and "serenity", a pot that says "wish" and a lucky orange marble that my sister gave me when I was going through a challenging pregnancy. Thanks for urging me to think about what I'd like to see on my windowsill and how it adds to my feelings about the day.
turnitupmom's last blog post... My Graham Cracker Girl
It is so nice to step outside of the "busy-ness" of life and slow down enough to appreciate the simple rituals and gifts of our everyday experiences. Thanks for sharing your reflections and reminding me to seek the beauty within what might on the surface seem mundane.
Your post and picture are beautiful!! I do have a pleasure place view, it’s a window in my living room, from there I can see my garden seating in a old very comfortable chair. In this season plants are getting brown, but in the spring and summer, I wake up, make me a cup of coffee and seat there to see what plant is blooming or about to bloom. I took a peek at your post of the fused glass tile. Is it hard to do this type of craft? I will check the 30 minute challenge, it takes me too long to post things. Once again, beautiful post.
Leticia's last blog post... Silly Faces
My kitchen island is my beauty spot in the kitchen. Right now it has a gorgeous christmas cactus and a fishbowl and a vase full of the children's dog-eared paintbrushes.
I love your window- especially the flowers.
Susan's last blog post... Choosing Memories
Oh! This post made me miss mornings! Our family routine has been such that this usually-a-morning-girl is a night owl, and has not seen the sun rise in many moons. I actually had one day this week where I was up and showered before 8, and it was blog-worthy! LOL!
I find I am having a hard time being thankful these days for any of my window views, BUT I have been very much enjoying the sun shining in our dining-room/school-room windows as we jump into the morning's schoolwork. As you've see, I am working on the view OF my kitchen. But this post reminded me of the clutter on the should-be-beautiful glass shelves hung in the window frame. I need to d-clutter them, and create some beauty there.
Spring's last blog post... Too Much
Great post! I enjoy tons of great items on my kitchen counter. Stones and rocks from various places, some great mushroom canisters from a thrift shop find, a beautiful pottery piece picked up while vacationing.....these are my favorites!
I have a huge fruit basket on my counter. I also currently have one of the biggest pineapples I have ever seen sitting there too. I know, pineapple isn't exactly the most sustainable fruit, but it's an occassional treat ;) I also have a beautiful green, glass jar that I got for a dollar! and use to store my tea.
Oh the joys of morning and kitchens..
Oh I am definitely going to have a closer look at my kitchen counter... A lovely look at how things are less ordinary than we think they are!!!
se7en's last blog post... The Day Alexander Came To Visit Se7en?
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kyndale on Nov. 17, 2009, 12:04 p.m.
I don't have a pretty windowsill like that. We have a slider leading out to the backyard. But, I love my counter, it usally has a big fruit bowl. I love the simple beauty you have sitting there bringing you joy. xo Kyndale