Spring Comes, Slowly

Spring comes late here. Some days it seems excruciatingly late. I miss flowers and green but there is the promise of new life. Soon.

I've been focusing lately on appreciating right here and now. It's a discipline. Some days I'm good at doing it, some days I'm not.

I need to look forward, make plans. We've moving the end of next month. But I also need to live right now, in this moment. I need to find peace here. Cultivate joy. Celebrate the beauty.

There is so much goodness in my life everyday and I know I will look back on these as golden years so I don't want to rush any of it away. So I'm learning to be patient even as I wait for spring's fullness.

The kids have a lot to teach me this way. They are just so much more in the moment, still at 9, 11 and (almost) 13.

I have a lot to learn. So much to learn.

But I am trying to patient with this also. I have my whole life ahead of me. The same message I have been telling our children - you have a lifetime to learn. Guess what? That applies to me too.

Spring is my season for patience.

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Nurturing Creativity ~ The Artwork »
  • Naomi

    Naomi on April 14, 2012, 10:22 p.m.

    I love how you captured Spring in these photos - stunning! I am also in a similar place of learning to enjoy the process of life, the journey not just the end result, one challenge to being goal-oriented people I suppose!


  • chantelle

    chantelle on April 15, 2012, 4:18 a.m.

    Honestly...this was exactly what I needed to read today. I live in Banff, where the lakes are still frozen and there is still several feet of snow to melt. Spring is indeed the season of patience and leanness, both in my environment and in my spiritual life. :) Happily, "...the Lord is the one who sustains me." Ps 54:4


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