October at Wolfe's Neck Woods

Wolfe's Neck Woods State Park is the place we go to when we want to be outdoors, to enjoy the woods and ocean, but don't have the time for a whole day excursion. This sweet little state park is a 1/2 hour from our home and although it only offers a few miles of trails we don't seem to tire of re-visiting it each season.

The last time we were here was in June when Damien's mother was staying with us - perfect place to take visiting family. Before that it was last December for a winter woods hike. This Sunday we went because I wasn't totally recovered yet and I wasn't up for a 7 miler in the mountains. Two miles along the wooded Casco Bay trails was just right.

I'm almost done this project!
I'm almost done this project!

I love this gem in "our neighborhood" and I'm sure you can see why from these photos.


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  • Sharon

    Sharon on Oct. 29, 2009, 2:05 p.m.

    What an awesome backyard you have to play in! We spent a week in Bethel last summer and I was reminded, once again, that Maine is a beautiful, delicious gift!


  • Spring

    Spring on Oct. 30, 2009, 1:40 a.m.

    Oh how lovely!! We were talking about where to go and be outdoors tomorrow- Rich is off from work- and I think we may have to go visit this spot! We haven't been there in a couple years, and had forgotten about it. Thanks for the reminder! :)

    Spring's last blog post... My BEST Me


  • Jenn

    Jenn on Oct. 30, 2009, 7:02 a.m.

    we have a few favorites that we frequent...i understand that feeling of comfort they bring. i love going to "my spots"...

    lovely place to visit, like another lady said, i'd be there ALL the time!! :0)


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