Why Blogging Works for Me

Lately a few online blogging friends and acquaintances have taken mini sabbaticals or are re-evaluting the role of blogging in their lives and the time it takes them (mostly how to limit the time it takes them).

All these "time spent blogging" posts got me thinking about my own creative commitment to FIMBY and questioning if it is a good use of time; blog soul searching. Damien and I are very intentional about our lives. We give a lot of thought and discussion to how we spend our time (and money). So my blogging "investment" is something we have talked about, lots. Last year in November I wrote a post about why I blog. I was contemplating the same thing during that season also. I've noticed this about myself, my inner reflective life is very cyclical.

Because I've given it so much thought I know why I blog and why it's important to me.

writing in the woods: I do that occasionally if our hike is less than stellar
(writing in the woods: I do that occasionally)

5 Reasons blogging works for me:

  • I am a stay at home homeschooling mama who (like so many) gardens, crafts and cooks. My brain is overflowing with ideas, questions and and unique challenges relating to my current station in life and I find blogging is a great avenue to express those.
  • I am a photographer and blogging gives me a place to showcase my work. To tell the world "this is what I can do". This has led to bartering for things our family wants; dance lessons for Brienne and pottery for the kids & I being the two most recent. {Want to know why I barter and not sell my services? Please read why I blog.}
  • I am a writer and blogging helps me to improve at this craft. I get to see my writing published and feel the satisfaction of a job well done in an arena other than kitchen work!
  • I am a wife to a man with goals and dreams for our shared future. Plans that involve adventure, writing, photography, living simply and making connections with people beyond our immediate community. Blogging, both here and at ADVENTUREinPROGRESS moves us forward in those goals.
  • I am a daughter, sister and friend who lives very far from most of my family, my closest relatives living 11 hours drive away. Blogging is a way to share our life with the people we love both near and far.

So you see blogging isn't just a little hobby of my mine to keep mommy sane at home with three kiddos all day, though somedays it certainly does that! It's a piece of building an integrated life and it's helping our family reach our goals both individually and together. And that works for me.


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« an old fashioned bean threshing
October at Wolfe's Neck Woods »
  • Naomi

    Naomi on Oct. 28, 2009, 1:33 p.m.

    Good for you! I can totally relate to some of your reasons for blogging. I may not be 11 hours from my family, for which I am very greatful, but blogging to me has been a great outlet for my birth knowledge. I have been trying very hard to build my clientel base to share my gift, but for now I think blogging has been one of the best ways for me to express myself and feel like I'm doing others good. It's not good enough for me to know what I know! I have to give it away! I love reading your posts. They encourage, inspire, and motivate me, and I LOVE looking at your pictures. There is something more enjoyable about reading blogs that have good pictures as well. I'm so glad I found your blog!


  • Jody

    Jody on Oct. 28, 2009, 1:56 p.m.

    I believe, FIMBY is an awesome creative outlet and great encouragement to others. It re-inforces the heart & mind's idea that there IS such thing as happy, Wholesome Family living. That simplicity is attainable, though not simple in it's acheivement. Organic IS best, Life IS Good and GOD is GREATER than all of us in His daily blessings for our lives. FIMBY is about ways to "Go through life". Options and ideas that have worked for you....so, therefore may work for others ~ and if we can make each others loads just a little bit lighter, or easier to bare in any way....It's a good thing. :>) Blessings, Jody


  • kyndale

    kyndale on Oct. 28, 2009, 4:40 p.m.

    My friends and I had this huge discussion about this topic over tea yesterday! I thought a lot about it the rest of the day. In the end, I couldn't think a really solid reason to quite blogging. There are too many positives. Especially being a stay at home Mama. It can be very isolating sometimes. I like your ideas about why you blog. Thanks!!


    • renee

      renee on Oct. 28, 2009, 5:46 p.m.

      Do you have friends that blog?? I have a few but we don't have time to get together for tea, too busy blogging -ha, ha!! But seriously most of my friends don't blog. I'd love to have a face to face conversation with friends about blogging, seems like a very solitary activity in my life.


  • Leticia

    Leticia on Oct. 28, 2009, 6:26 p.m.

    Hi Renee, I have been reading your blog since I saw your bubble pictures in Me Ra Ko blog. Its good to know that there is people out there that take pride in the simple things in their life and the things they do. I loved when your shared your wedding anniversary, it was meaningful and you did not spend a fortune. I just found out that my family has issues with high triglycerides. I have switched my lifestyle and have spent a lot of time in the kitchen, if I had not read your post about all the time your spend in your kitchen I would be discourage. I thought I just let you know, so you will count one more reason to blog. You have encourage me, Thank you. Leticia

    Leticia's last blog post... Book Markers


    • renee

      renee on Oct. 28, 2009, 10:44 p.m.

      Thank you Leticia, this comment means a lot to me. To know that I am encouraging mothers and homemakers is very, very rewarding. You made my day!


  • angie

    angie on Oct. 28, 2009, 7 p.m.

    sounds like some great reasons to keep on blogging many of these reasons are the ones I use to blog as well


  • nicola@which name?

    nicola@which name? on Oct. 28, 2009, 7:18 p.m.

    renee, i know i am one of those sabbaticals you are referring to. i have my own list of reasons i blog and i love blogging (and have posted those before). some overlap with your reasons. it is such a wonderful creative outlet and community, in which i am so glad we overlap. but i have been struggling with some specific things i haven't wish to share in detail and they consumed me in a way that kept my creative blogging juices from flowing and left me frustrated with the computer. so i needed to step back. i hope my break didn't in any way sound critical of anyone else for their choices. not intended. it was entirely self-centered! nicola http://whichname.blogspot.com

    nicola@which name?'s last blog post... corner view: l'aqua


    • nicola@which name?

      nicola@which name? on Oct. 29, 2009, 1:24 a.m.

      see...even my response to your post was self-centered. i enjoy your blog daily. it is, in fact, on my "daily reads" list in my reader. you have such a healthy perspective on all the big and little things we as moms, wives, teachers, budget-keepers (and the list goes on) do every single day. thank you for giving me something more to aspire to each time i visit! nicola http://whichname.blogspot.com

      nicola@which name?'s last blog post... corner view: l'aqua


      • renee

        renee on Oct. 29, 2009, 11:21 a.m.

        Nicola, I am so heart warmed by these words. I feel like looking around to see who else must be in the room. All these kind remarks by everyone, are they really for me?? My goodness I need to be careful this doesn't all go to my head! You should all stop now so my ego will remain in check.


  • Kirsten

    Kirsten on Oct. 28, 2009, 10:14 p.m.

    I'm glad you blog, because I love reading your "take" on things! I am a much better blog reader these days than writer...but I just go with whatever my heart fancys these days, LOL!


  • Sharon

    Sharon on Oct. 29, 2009, 3:28 a.m.

    I couldn't agree more! Good for you in the fact that you are taking the time to assess your investments... and then pursuing those things that bring you the best "returns!"


  • Denise

    Denise on Oct. 29, 2009, 4:20 a.m.

    ah, I feel a bit like Nicola and a bit like you again re-evaluating my choice to blog. As you know, I'm still blogging.

    and I LOVE that you are blogging too.


  • regina

    regina on Oct. 29, 2009, 4:36 a.m.

    I have had people make weird comments about the time I spend blogging, but I've learned a lot about myself and have "met" so many wonderful like minded people and that means so much to me. Being a part of this community, connecting and sharing are wonderful little gems I have found from blogging. Plus, it keeps my brain working creatively, something I now can't live without. Thanks for sharing your wonderful post.


  • Simple Kids

    Simple Kids on Oct. 29, 2009, 2:59 p.m.

    I completely identify with your reasons here, and I think it is completely keeping with an intentional approach to life to both think about and share why you do what you do. Yours is a blog I enjoy not only for its beauty and inspiration but also for practical inspiration. I hope you stick with us for a long while!


  • 5 orange potatoes

    5 orange potatoes on Oct. 30, 2009, 2:29 a.m.

    You are so good with words Renee. The word "community" got me the most. I love this blogging community and agree so much with you about this need for us stay at home moms. I think I feel it gives me the feeling of a little more "worth" sharing the things we do at home; since we don't have the daily "around the water cooler" gossip and chit chat that working moms have. We appreciate the things one another does, understand the highs and lows of staying home, homeschooling, and raising a family.

    Your words are a breath of fresh air to me each and every day and I so appreciate the time and thought you put into your posts. Just love this blogging world! ;)


    5 orange potatoes's last blog post... soothing gremlin softie (free pattern)


  • shelli

    shelli on Nov. 3, 2009, 1:19 a.m.

    I could write a lot in response to this, but I don't have time for that. So I'll just say I completely relate, and for me blogging is a much-needed creative outlet.


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