
One of the things I love about having my own house is gardening. The flowerbed in front of our house is full of mature perennials - petite roses, peonies, day lilies, rhodedendrums, and an unidentified flowering shrub. I've been slowly weeding and mulching. Today I finished half of the front.

From flower bed

In the fall I'll transplant some of the orange daylilies to fill in gaps and also a couple purple flowering hostas (from a friend's overflowing perennial bed). I'm finding lots of bulbs in my digging so I'm looking forward to tulips & daffodils next spring. I'll probably plant some annuals - like Wave petunias next summer as well. Oh, so much fun!!!

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  • Amanda

    Amanda on Aug. 2, 2005, 5:59 p.m.

    You have a nice front flower bed. It must be nice to know the names of plants just by looking at them. That I can't do. Veggies I can. You being excited about it makes me want to learn more about them.


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