(Beyond the home) Work & Career

Build up to The Breaking

Build up to The Breaking

I hadn't intended to tell the story of The Breaking in the context of vocation and work, but it's the story that has bubbled to the surface in many posts and has been told in bits and pieces, through direct and indirect means, over many months.

Vocation, Marriage, and Work: An introduction

Vocation, Marriage, and Work: An introduction

We had a plan. We married and created a family. I stayed home to raise the kids. Damien worked to support us. And then life and living took us on paths we couldn't have imagined.

A working vacation (and feeding piglets)

A working vacation (and feeding piglets)

I wasn't expecting this trip out west to be vacation. When our friends in Montreal found out we were traveling for 6 weeks I was clear that this wasn't a vacation, it was a trip.

Summer Intentions

Summer Intentions

We arrived in Montana late Sunday night, after driving west for days on I-94. The air was redolent with pine, the stars bright in the wide open sky. The space felt warm, open, relaxed.

On becoming a relationship-focused professional blogger

On becoming a relationship-focused professional blogger

Watching the way things have unfolded in our work over the past few months, seeing some stuff come together that we have been building for years, has given me a new perspective on professional blogging.

One Day at a Time

One Day at a Time

If we don't live one day at a time we will be overcome with all that must be done and lose the focus and energy we need to do the things that are within our power right now.

We met our Kickstarter goal! Now what?

We met our Kickstarter goal! Now what?

By supporting our Kickstarter you are essentially "pre-buying" a subscription to the video series.