(Beyond the home) Work & Career

An early September update

An early September update

Coming home from our big road trip has been like a re-set on our life. This is a newsy update about organizing, deep cleaning and de-cluttering, new routines and dietary changes, personal boundaries with internet engagement, the power of meditation, working and homeschool.

Containers & Possibilities - Questions about connectivity, productivity and technology

Containers & Possibilities - Questions about connectivity, productivity and technology

My current problem with the internet, and connectivity in general, is the way it fills every space of my life because it can and because I've let it.

Shifting Gears

Shifting Gears

I feel a lightening of the load in home and homeschool. I have more mental energy for other things. After a seasoning of healing, my confidence has returned and we have a real need to increase our financial means; all of which means, it's time once again to pursue income-earning work.

Doing the next Big Thing

Doing the next Big Thing

What am I aiming for in a career, a vocation, in my work? What is my vision? Quite simply to do the work before me, and live the things I'm called to do.

That's not my job

That's not my job

Clarity is not a magic wand that adds pixie dust to your life, making it sparkly and shiny and oh so happy. Clarity takes you further along the path of service and self-awareness, to more clarity, which takes you further on the path of service and self-awareness.

Searching for vision in my vocation

Searching for vision in my vocation

I didn't have a clear vision but maybe vision is overrated, and it was more important to just "do stuff", or maybe I would find one through bumbling around.

Build up to The Breaking

Build up to The Breaking

I hadn't intended to tell the story of The Breaking in the context of vocation and work, but it's the story that has bubbled to the surface in many posts and has been told in bits and pieces, through direct and indirect means, over many months.