Readers Ask

So, you wanna' homeschool...

So, you wanna' homeschool...

It must be that time of year. Homeschooling is in the air. I notice this especially during our weekly library visit. I can't manage to visit the library these days without fielding requests from complete strangers. The conversations go something like this. Mom - with a couple kids in tow: ...

Getting outdoors more with your family

Getting outdoors more with your family

My husband fondly remembers our pre-marriage days when he could move from apartment to apartment by simply packing his life possessions in the back of his Honda hatchback. 15 years, a mortgage and three kids later the same can't be said! Unfortunately, the multiplying stuff that comes with family life ...

4 Steps to Making Homemade Soap

4 Steps to Making Homemade Soap

I've been blogging for many years and for a couple of those years I went through a soap phase, writing about soap making. This is one of those posts. I still make my own soap but I don't write about it much these days. Some of the information may be ...

A Relaxed Approach to Homeschooling the Early Years

A Relaxed Approach to Homeschooling the Early Years

These are our guiding principles for learning and growing during these early school years: Interest driven learning with an emphasis on character development, unique talents and gifts, creative freedom, family life, household participation, nature exploration and healthy living. And the introduction of math, reading and writing basics.

A bare-bones homeschool library and reluctant readers

A bare-bones homeschool library and reluctant readers

A homeschool library Earlier this summer I was asked the following: Since you keep your at home book collection small, I'd love to hear about which books you do think are worth owning vs. borrowing. People will disagree with me on this but I don't think it's worth owning much, ...

Calendula, Salves and an Easy Soap Recipe

Calendula, Salves and an Easy Soap Recipe

A bit of everything: why I love calendula, salve making and a soap recipe.

Defining Priorities to Make a Family Schedule

Defining Priorities to Make a Family Schedule

These are the guiding principles I use when planning our family's weekly schedule.