
Paradise Valley ~ Big Sky Country

Paradise Valley ~ Big Sky Country

I needed this so badly and I had no idea how much I needed this, till I was right here

Spending time with my mom (and eagerly anticipating spring and summer adventures)

Spending time with my mom (and eagerly anticipating spring and summer adventures)

As the days slowly lengthen and winter's magic wanes (early winter is magical but the magic doesn't last forever) I am itching for a change.

Skiing Together

Skiing Together

I cherish this thing we do together, in an age when together interests are hard to cultivate.

Summer Stories ~ Bixi

Summer Stories ~ Bixi

One of the things I love about Montreal is how bike-friendly the city is. Designated bike lanes abound and you don't even have to own a bike, you can subscribe to the bike sharing service called Bixi.

Sunday Night at Plage Henderson

Sunday Night at Plage Henderson

This is a hard place to say goodbye to.

While we wait for spring

While we wait for spring

A trip down memory lane on the Appalachian Trail.

A time of new beginnings

A time of new beginnings

This is the Easter story. When your heart aches with the loss of what has ended, Easter is the hope of not just a new chapter, but a brand new book.