July 23, 2008
Obtaining local, organic and sustainably grown foods costs, sometimes a lot. So why do we do it? Basically, our family has made the choice to value the health of our bodies, community, planet and the farmers who grow our food.
July 10, 2008
Good things are already starting to come out of our weekly love your neighbor flower bouquet deliveries. During last week's delivery of patriotic inspired red Gaillardia, white Chrysanthemums and blue Hydrangeas (to celebrate July 4th) we met a relatively new family to our neighborhood. While talking I found out that ...
June 22, 2008
We greeted the first day of summer early so we could get into the White mountains mid-morning to avoid late afternoon thunderstorms. Maybe it was the early morning or the huge meal (Damien's birthday supper) the night before but I was cranky and sluggish all the way up. We had ...
June 18, 2008
I don't think Jesus Christ made life any easier for his followers (although I don't like labels I'm comfortable calling myself a follower of Christ) when he simplified all the law of the Hebrew Scriptures into the two commands to love the Lord your God and love your neighbor as ...
June 4, 2008
Remember the Mister Rogers or Sesame Street song (I can't remember which) "These are the people in your neighborhood"? Well these are the people, whom we have the privilege to call friends, in our neighborhood. Introducing The Faire Bande à Part Housing Cooperative, friends and fellow community members:
May 30, 2008
The kids and I spent the morning at the Nutrition Center Kitchen cooking with the Lots To Gardens crew, preparing food for a supper & live music fund raiser at the Franco-American Heritage Center tonight. Nutrition Center Kitchen We love what Lots to Gardens does, "challeng(ing) the cycles of poverty ...
April 9, 2008
The kids and I joined Lots to Gardens this afternoon to plant seedlings. We planted broccoli and cauliflower, two of the kid's favorite brassicas. The seedlings will grow in the greenhouse until later this spring/early summer when they will be planted in community gardens to help feed local folks.