Summer Solstice, Tougas Style

We greeted the first day of summer early so we could get into the White mountains mid-morning to avoid late afternoon thunderstorms. Maybe it was the early morning or the huge meal (Damien's birthday supper) the night before but I was cranky and sluggish all the way up. We had a little shower up and on the way down but the summit, although gray and foreboding, was dry and we ended the hike in tree-dappled sunshine.

Top of East Royce Mountain: View to the west, yes those clouds were coming our way

Down East Royce Mountain: I was out of my state of self-pity by this point

After our hike up the 3,100 foot East Royce Mountain we headed back towards home and out to The JED Collective, "a group of organizers, parents, cultural workers, farmers and healers", for a potluck party to celebrate the summer solstice. In addition to the great locally grown veggies, meats & breads we enjoyed the company of friends, the privilege of meeting new folks, a soccer game in the summer evening light, and lots of romping around in a field of wildflowers.

Solstice all ages soccer game

 Wildflowers: Celine's holding homemade doll Isabella in arms while picking wildflowers

It was the perfect Tougas family summer solstice. A hike up a gorgeous Maine mountain with a breath-taking view and then supper, consisting of many Maine grown foods, with friends and community folk.

JED Friends

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  • Vanessa

    Vanessa on June 24, 2008, 9:28 p.m.

    Renee... I thought that you had a splendid talent to portrait your beautiful children, but maybe you have a magical touch to photograph everybody! What a pleasure, and an honor, to find me & Manis in your page! Thank you for the Solstice Buttercup Crown! love, Va


    • renee

      renee on June 24, 2008, 10:16 p.m.

      Ah... you're so kind (blushing). I LOVE taking pictures. Not sure that I have a magical touch but I find the more photos I take and the more I read about taking better photos the better I get. Just you wait and see what rockin' photos (I hope) I'll be able to take with my new DSLR.

      Thanks again. It was a pleasure taking your picture and making the crowns.


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