April 9, 2008
The kids and I joined Lots to Gardens this afternoon to plant seedlings. We planted broccoli and cauliflower, two of the kid's favorite brassicas. The seedlings will grow in the greenhouse until later this spring/early summer when they will be planted in community gardens to help feed local folks.
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email me at: renee@tougas.net Ⓒ 2004-2023 Renee Tougas
Karen on April 9, 2008, 12:26 p.m.
Thanks for the reminder that it's time to buy my sweet peas, which also brings back good memories of Grandma Forsberg's religious routine of April sweet pea plantings. Yesterday, on my first close-up look at what's bursting through my flower beds, I was surprised to find three crocuses blooming. What a joyful discovery!!