
Springtime's a comin' ~ Eventually

Springtime's a comin' ~ Eventually

I'm not anxious for spring yet - truly. This year more than any other in the past I am surviving winter quite handily. My life is brimming with creative ideas and energy. I'm blessed with healthy, happy children, good friends, a husband I adore, a mostly warm house (thanks Dad ...

Gluten Free Kinda, Sorta

Gluten Free Kinda, Sorta

We've been a largely gluten free household for a few years. A couple years ago we got a super-duper expensive bread machine that could make 100% whole wheat loaves. I was in bread making heaven. No more door stopper loaves from the oven. We started to eat a lot of ...

I earned my degree in Bed

I earned my degree in Bed

As in a Bachelors of Education silly, what were you thinking? I'm fairly certain I saw that title as a bumper sticker way back when in the Education faculty student's union office. Because I'm not sure how else I'd get an idea like that in my head *wink*. What does ...

Advent Giving

Advent Giving

Two weeks ago, on the evening of Black Friday, the day after Thanksgiving, our family gathered with friends and friends of friends to talk about The Advent Conspiracy. More specifically, we gathered to answer the question: what could we, as a small group (some of us with connections to larger ...

Advent, it's a conspiracy

Advent, it's a conspiracy

I have a few advent thoughts to share. Instead of trying to cleverly weave them together here they are as a list: Inspiration Our family is a part of a local Advent Conspiracy to worship fully, spend less, give more, love all, this holiday season. I am super excited and ...

Heartaching gratitude

Heartaching gratitude

Everyone's writing about gratitude these days and I have a few thoughts (I wish it was only a few) to share on the matter. I don't need any reminders to be thankful, I am filled with gratitude every single day. In this world we live in I'm stinking rich with ...

celebrate, watch movies and party

celebrate, watch movies and party

It's a blustery, bitter November weekend but we're taking care of that with some good old fashioned fun. Friday night our family attended and volunteered at a fundraising celebration of local food, art and music. This harvest supper of seaonsal, locally grown food (you'd be amazed at how many ways ...