
holiday un-school

holiday un-school

I loved so many of the unschooling methologies but couldn't totally buy into the philosophy. There were things I wanted my kids to learn, definite goals we had for their education. They also needed to learn to contribute to our home life, not because they were intrinsically motivated to but ...

Peppermint Patty Soap

Peppermint Patty Soap

With a swirl of organic vanilla bean and cocoa, scented with peppermint and barely a hint of clove oil, you'll wish it was melting in your mouth instead of richly moisturizing and lathering your skin.

Time for sledding

Time for sledding

I knew what I wanted this Christmas season to be like. Time at home, time outdoors, time together. Creating, learning, hiking, relaxing and loving.

Decorations from My Kitchen ~ A Photo Tutorial and Other Inspiration

Decorations from My Kitchen ~ A Photo Tutorial and Other Inspiration

I've been making Christmas decorations from the kitchen. Nothing new, no doubt, but very easy and hopefully a bit of inspiration for your own project(s).

preparing for a perfectly wonderful un-perfect Christmas

preparing for a perfectly wonderful un-perfect Christmas

Throughout this post I have photos taken from Christmas last year. Each illustrates an activity one of our family members wants to do this season; Celine wants to decorate, Brienne wants to play in snow (no snow yet), Laurent wants to bake, Damien wants to hike and I want to ...

The long way home

The long way home

Presently, the family arrived home, safe but tired, after a long journey from a distant land. During their time in that land there was much eating, drinking and merry making. Many laughs and much fun was to be had. As their time in the distant land drew to a close ...

Christmas Happiness

Christmas Happiness

Happiness is: - eating my Mom's healthy, gluten-free (on account of Damien), gourmet cooking. Oh my goodness she is such a good cook. - arriving a day earlier than planned to avoid the nasty weather even though it meant driving 12 hours through the night (not so happy). - singing ...