January 14, 2010
Last spring the kids and I took a pottery workshop/lesson at a local studio. The photos I took that day resulted in a request from the potter herself for a photo shoot of her pieces, to be featured on her own website. Taking pictures of beautiful pottery is a creatively ...
December 11, 2009
As of yesterday I was starting to get real tired of my writing voice. Then I wrote something in my last post that sparked misunderstandings and I got real tired of communicating all together. After a while it all starts to sound like blah, blah, blah, blah... I've posted a ...
October 31, 2009
I have always loved the fun of pumpkin carving and getting the kids dressed up. I especially love walking the neighborhood, kicking up crunchy leaves while my children run and scamper up walkways, ringing doorbells and shouting trick or treat. But not this time. Every single year we feel day-after ...
October 16, 2009
In case you're like me and haven't given it much thought yet Christmas is right around the corner. I know many of you are way ahead of the game and have been making gifts for months. But I was too busy figuring out school and enjoying fall to give much ...
October 14, 2009
When I was a kid growing up in church these two little ladies (and I mean little, back then we called people of short stature midgets but I think the more modern and appropriate term is "little people"), sisters actually, would regularly sing a song for the congregation with the ...
October 2, 2009
I have a question for you. What is it about the middle ages and The Lord of the Rings type mythology that fascinates so many people? My children, like millions of others, are enthralled by anything remotely medieval. And I have to say, their interest has sparked my own. This ...
September 17, 2009
New Art Supplies I'm excited to share with you the most recent additions to our homeschool art supplies, which we are building up slowly bit by bit (as with everything in our lives). Last year's start-of-the-school-year purchases were Prismacolor markers, colored pencils, watercolor colored pencils, artstix and pastels. By far ...