What day is it? Whale Watching & More

Coffee at Bisquit EaterCoffee at Bisquit Eater</span>I just realized that I shouldn't know what day it is, I'm on vacation. So, this is what we've done for the past couple days. Monday was a couple days ago hum... what happened. Nothing much I don't think, probably more swimming at the lake. Went to Mahone Bay in the afternoon for coffee at The Bisquit Eater for one of the best soy mochas I've had anywhere. Then back into Bridgewater for a parade. The first 45 minutes or so were good but after a while we tired of the fire trucks and souped up cars & large wheeled trucks blaring country music. Who would of thought country music in Nova Scotia???

Yesterday we took a very memorable whale watching trip off Brier Island on the Bay of Fundy, which is on the opposite side of Nova Scotia from where my parents live (South Shore). The weather was foggy but the captain & crew still managed to find a pair of whales. It was an awesome experience to see the whales - thanks mom & dad. Although the drive there and back was long the Nova Scotia countryside was beautiful to drive through.

Today was sunny & hot so this afternoon after the work around the house was done we packed up and went to the ocean. The closest beach is a provincial park about 20 minutes away from the my parent's house. I love the ocean. Still unbelievable to me that my western born & bred family (myself included) has become easterners. In spite of my Alberta upbringing I feel like I belong on the eastern coast. I love the culture, the pace of life and of course the ocean. Brienne at Rissers BeachBrienne at Rissers Beach</span>Rissers BeachRissers Beach</span>

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« Happy Birthday Dad - Vacation Days 4, 5 & 6
Visiting Family »
  • dawna

    dawna on July 26, 2007, 3:18 a.m.

    Hello! Great seeing what the Toews/Tougas clan have been up to. Pictures you're posting look so fun!!! Can't wait to see and hear about more!!


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