Thursdays at the farm

There are only 4 more summer share pick-up days at our farm. Then we wait a whole month till mid November for the start of the once a month winter share of root crops and occasional greenhouse greens.

So I plan to really enjoy this next month. Since drawing lessons also happen on Thursdays (our pick-up day) I'm giving up my writing time that day so we can spend more time at the farm; wandering through the orchard, playing on the tire swing, discovering new fields. Smelling, soaking and playing in fall. I hate to say it but the season that follows fall is coming soon enough and I plan to make these days linger.

(PS. I can't believe I forgot to add this. The perfect farm book to read aloud this time of year is Charlotte's Web. It's one of the few books we own. I'm reading it to the kiddos right now (2nd time around, we read it 2 years ago also) and it's so cozy, sweet & hopeful. Sigh... I love it.)

« New Art Supplies and Drawing with Children
Sunday night thoughts about hiking and marriage »
  • Ellen

    Ellen on Sept. 19, 2009, 2:33 a.m.

    Oh, it is the perfect time of year for Charlotte! I should really read it aloud to my little one, except I'm afraid that I wouldn't able to do it without crying! Gets me every time.

    Ellen's last blog post... Random music updates


  • Rana

    Rana on Sept. 20, 2009, 4:44 p.m.

    We are on Little house on the prairie right now. I forgot about Charlotte's web that's going on our list.

    Rana's last blog post... Permanent spot...


  • Candelion

    Candelion on Sept. 21, 2009, 7 p.m.

    Any chance you would consider doing a post on what you use for your and your family's teeth? Would love to know ;) Let me know if you have already broached this topic..



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