Snow Days

Celine watching snow The snow we've been waiting for has finally arrived. Not as much as we'd like but we'll take whatever we can get.

With the snow comes the wet, dripping snowpants, mittens and scarves, drying by the front door radiator. But I welcome that clothesrack with the little puddles underneath because it means my kids have been outside experiencing the best winter has to offer. And they are at a perfect age - old enough to play outside for hours, contented with a small mound of snow and a couple sleds.

Yesterday our usual obligations were cancelled because of the storm (minor really). This left our afternoon open for hours of outside play (kid's only, mommy enjoyed a quiet indoors), followed by candlelit peppermint hot cocoa. And then snuggling on the couch reading "The Magician's Nephew" by CS Lewis. Ah, could a Monday get any better?? Back to the candles. I've decided in the winter we're going to burn candles. The kids rolled beeswax candles last week and made green playdough candle holders to adorn our table. During these dark months, which are actually getting lighter each day, why not add light to our days. We've all enjoyed the flicker of the light on our table during the afternoon and evening hours.

Phantom sledding The kids ventured back outside after seeing our neighbor snowblowing. He proceeded to snowblow the street in front of our houses to make a snow mound in his front yard for the kids to sled on. They were having so much fun we didn't have the heart to call them in for supper. So we let them play till they were too cold and tired and then fed them.

Laurent Sledding This morning we trudged off to Bates, in all our winter gear and with sleds in tow, for a concert scheduled for (College students keep crazy hours). Oops, since we were there anyway we toured the art gallery. And then headed back out into the snow for more sledding, wherever a slight hill or mound could be found.

After all this outdoor play and serious sled pulling I feel rather worn out tonight but it's a good tired. The "I've done something useful with my body, enjoyed the winter sunshine and blue sky" tired feeling. I'm looking forward to those flannel sheets already...

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