February 13, 2010
Last month I got an e-mail from an on-line friend asking me questions about taking pregnancy photos. The ironic thing was that I had just done my first ever pregnancy shoot for my friend Naomi 2 days prior. Maybe I mentioned it on the blog? I'm not sure why H. thought I would know anything about taking pregnancy photos because I really don't. But I have done it once so I thought I'd share my answer to her questions here.
First off, here's the questions in a nutshell: Any words of wisdom? I don't have a studio or lights... any suggestions for creating backgrounds? I don't know....am I crazy?
Let me begin by saying I am not a portrait photographer nor do I have aspirations to be one. If fate so decides to lead me down that path I am open to the possibility but I am not pursuing it.
I do consider myself a photographer though. I love taking photos, I think I have an eye for beautiful details and I know how to get the light I need into my camera to take the kind of photos I want. I am steadily gaining confidence in my abilities to use my camera as a tool to capture and create beauty.
That's all I can think of for now to help answer those questions. I LOVE taking photos. I think taking photos of people on demand, like a portrait shoot, is very challenging. Half of it is understanding the camera, lighting etc. and the other huge part is interacting with people, putting them at ease and getting them to feel natural in front of the camera. This is the part that scares me about portrait photography and why I don't pursue this much.
A note about my friend Naomi; she is a doula and natural birth advocate. I met her 7 years ago when she attended Brienne's homebirth as my midwife's learning assistant. You can check out some of the photos from our session and her extensive resources on birth at her blog.
This is very interesting, especially the breathing part:) (I do the same). The photos are lovely, #3 is quintessential maternity.
Oh, she's beautiful!
Thank you!
These are great tips. I love taking photos as well and I recently did a shoot with friends and a newborn. Lots of fun. I love, love, love natural light. Flashes seem to drown out so much. Thanks for posting. "Don't sell yourself short" YES indeed!
Thank you so much Renee! This is just what I needed to hear. I don't why I asked you either except that I know you did some portraiture for friends and I like your style of photography and I guess I felt comfortable approaching you.
I loved reading this because these are all things I can do! I never use the flash on my camera...ever and I'm sure I can dig up some sheets....lol.
Great post and again thanks for the boost of confidence.
Oh and the photos came out gorgeous and what a beautiful mama and family!
Thank you!
I agree, Naomi is very beautiful and so natural. Knowing her I can say she's a beautiful person also.
I've been looking forward to reading this post, Renee! I really am so very happy with how the photos came out, and I'm glad to give you the opportunity to grow, even if portaiture isn't your goal! I'm also looking forward to the newborn photo shoot, and I'm starting to collect ideas for that as well. I hope you and your kids feel better soon by the way!
Woohoo! You did it! Portrait photography really can be a beast but as with all things - you get better with practice. My latest maternity shoot is sooo much better than the first handful of shoots I did. But that doesn't mean those first sessions were any less special or less loved by the recipient. You captured some great expressions and Naomi looks fabulous. Way to take on the challenge!
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nicola@which name? on Feb. 13, 2010, 4:21 a.m.
first of all, i LOVE reading how you know each other. thank you for the tips. the photos look incredible! it is a compliment to your photography skills AND to you as a friend that she asked you. i had a horrid pregnancy with my first, but with my second (and maybe last), it was beautiful. i felt worried that my second pregnancy was so short changed in many ways (father in law dying) that i wanted to do something special. i paid a pro for photos (my friend negotiated a deal with her photographer for me) and i am soooooo glad i did. more info than you needed, nicola http://whichname.blogspot.com
Naomi Kilbreth on Feb. 15, 2010, 2:15 a.m.
I think I was equally as honored to attend Renee's birth as she was to have me ask her this favor! Thank goodness for friends who we can feel comfortable being vulnerable with! And by the way, I recently wrote a blog post about celebrating pregnancy, because as you mentioned Nicola, it is important to do special things for our babies and our pregnant selves.