October 27, 2011
Perhaps some of you remember Jennifer from the blog Kidoing. She guest posted A Family's Switch to a Nutritarian Diet here at FIMBY last winter.
Jennifer's blog is all about showcasing delicious food the whole family can make and enjoy, specifically plant based foods. She writes about a topic I wish I had more time to write about here at FIMBY - vegan eating. Or rather, I wish I had more time to teach about. One of my bucket list dreams is to offer in-house, retreat style cooking lessons - come learn in my kitchen, while we cook together. That kind of thing. This is not that season of my life, but someday.
We've walked this nutrition journey alone for a long, long time and I'm so thankful there is a growing community of likeminded plant-based eaters (Jennifer and others) in my Internet world. Some I've had the privilege to actually meet.
Right now at Kidoing Jennifer is doing a fantastic series on dairy. Very timely as we are headed into cold and flu season. From my reading and personal experience dairy is a huge contributor to the "inevitable" winter sicknesses and other diseases.
If you want to do some reading yourself I highly recommend The China Study by T. Colin Campbell, PhD and Disease-Proof Your Child: Feeding Kids Right by Dr. Joel Fuhrman. These two books have a permanent place on our bookshelf.
In her most recent post Jennifer shares expert opinions and a few personal "going dairy-free" stories, ours included. She also talks about that most pressing question - where do you get your calcium?
I know some of you are curious about a vegan diet (by the way, we're not vegan but pretty close) and some of you are trying to make real change in your family's eating. Check out Jennifer's blog, it's one my favorite food and health blogs.
I don't know what we will use for milk - can't eat almonds and I react to soy milk so don't want to use that either. We don't drink milk anyways but my husband and youngest child like a little milk with cereal or oatmeal. I will be giving up cream in my coffee which might be (almost) the only dairy I care about... apart from the occaional pizza.
Are you removing milk from your diet? Hear you on the pizza. That's where I like my cheese.
We will go dairy-free for a one month trial to see how everyone feels. I already limit dairy but wonder if we'd notice significant differences in our health if we cut it all out. Family is on board - mostly :)
I've been a vegetarian for 15 years and a vegan for almost 2 years. My energy level increased a lot after I went vegan. I also stopped getting "the inevitable cold" every winter. I really like Daiya brand vegan cheese. It's the only vegan cheese I've found that actually melts like real cheese. It's perfect for pizzas.
Ah, yes, the age old question, where do you get your nutrition if you are not eating meat? Lol We eat a lot of broccoli, whole grains, and soy milk, for a few ideas.
Renee, I'm so tickled you're talking about kidoing! (and blushing deep red). Thank you and I welcome all FIMBY readers to my little blog, hoping these dairy posts will help folks out who suffer like we did.
Also, a note for Huib above - I just purchased coconut milk powder from a local natural foods store and if I recall it was pretty cheap. I plan to use it to help it give body to my homemade coconut yogurt, but could probably be used as you would other powdered milks.
Powdered coconut milk - what a great idea. I need to pass this on to Damien for trail food breakfast ideas.
Thanks for making me discove this great blog! I feel like I will be spending a part of my evening there!
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Huib on Oct. 27, 2011, 7:58 p.m.
Hello Renee, very interesting to read this post. When hiking in winter I always eat hot porridge (made with powdered cow milk) in the morning to get energy and heat. And sometimes in the evening to sleep warm. Now I stopped drinking cow milk too so this was a problem with the porridge. There also exists powdered goat milk but this is 4-5 times as expensive as powdered cow milk. Now the organic footshop also sells powdered almond milk. So I first tried non-sweetened liquid almond milk. Unfortunately I could not stand the taste. I see almond milk on your pictures. Does everyone in your family like the taste?
renee on Oct. 27, 2011, 8:42 p.m.
Homemade almond milk, see directions here, is the best tasting milk I know of. I have to ration us because it's more expensive than homemade soymilk, but oh man - we love the taste of almond milk.