October 16, 2010
We experienced a nor'easter yesterday that has stripped a lot of leaves off the trees. So the foliage on tomorrow's hike might not be as spectacular as last weekend's. But that's ok. Fall hiking is simply the best.
For those of us who hike all year - in the toe and finger numbing months of winter, the wet and buggy months of spring and the hot and sticky months of summer - fall hiking is like a gift from the gods. No bugs, just enough nip to keep you moving and the foliage, oh the foliage of a New England autumn. Sign me up.
Today we are in the kitchen, all of us. I'm cooking, as usual. Baked apples for breakfast, stir fried farm greens and beans for lunch, and pumpkin and bean casserole for supper. Damien is alternately painting cupboards and supervising food preparation for our backpacking trip next weekend.
Our family's first autumn backpacking adventure. Bring it on.
Pumpkin is roasting in the oven and the smell of Autumn Spice Cake wafts from the soap rack. On the counter are bags of dehydrated farm apples and tomatoes (the last of the season) and a lot of dirty dishes as we prepare food for next weekend. (Dehydrated tomatoes are as tasty as potato chips if you ask me.)
At noon, the kids are in their pjs still. Crafting, cooking for next weekend, reading, and helping around the house.
I love this life.
The turning of the seasons, the outdoor adventures, the hum of the kitchen, and the togetherness as we work as a family towards our goals.
I'm deeply grateful today for all these blessings in my life. What are you grateful for?
I'm grateful for a beautiful day to work outside in my yard. My kids are in their glory catching frogs and salamanders and I'm getting some much needed yard work done. Hubby is off hiking with some men from the homeless shelter.
What beautiful scenery. We are lucky to be travelling up through Scotland at the moment, and the contrast of the golden autumn leaves with the russets, browns and greys of the hills and the greens of the pines is just magical. Add in a bit of crisp air ... due to our situation we are not out hiking at the moment, alas, as I think that would just be the icing on the top!
Enjoy your Autumn!
I tried sun drying tomatoes three times this summer, and failed. I'd love to do without a dehydrator, but I think it's going to have to be on my wish list for next summer.
We love our dehydrator and use it at least weekly, often more throughout the summer and fall. And for our backpacking trips it's a must to prepare our food.
I love autumn and I so miss those beautiful New England leaves! I'm so grateful for my wonderful family and all the blessings they bring me daily!
i am grateful for you and this beautiful blog. you have inspired me to get my butt out into the woods and i am just LOVING it.
we've been hiking with the kids every weekend and each morning we take the "scenic route" doing a big loop through the woods behind our house to the bus stop.
absolutely gorgeous at this time of year. and so grounding and soothing to this constantly in motion mama.
Thank you. The woods are the best place to be this time of year. The colors, the smells, the crunch. Oh... I could go on and on.
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Wendy on Oct. 16, 2010, 7:18 p.m.
Autumn is my favorite time of year. Sounds like you're having a cozy, productive day--the best! Enjoyed your post on the homeschool budget; I so appreciate reading about others' experiences, as we are not homeschooling yet, but looking towards it in the future.