October 30, 2011
I sit at the table, early. Planning, thinking, praying, reading - in the quiet of dark.
Dad lights the fire in the woodstove. Car headlights swing round the bend along the river road. The indigo sky starts to lighten and I make my way to the desk to write. Life stirs around me. Breakfast making, kids rising, the sun above the horizon now.
Orange leaves burn fire against the azure sky. A hunter's blaze against gray bark. This intensity of color holds back the darkening days.
It's nearly supper time. Or at least it will be supper when I get this food on the table. I'm cooking under the kitchen halogens, dusk gathering outside the windows. Sun setting low behind the yellow leaved trees.
We sit down to eat, circling the table. The light fixture illuminating the warm, honeyed pine table. Wood reclaimed from a local mill. Our hands joined in prayer and just beyond darkness descends.
The fire still burns in the woodstove. Orion's belt bright in a pitch black sky. I knit a little, next to my husband, sitting on the couch. I read to the kids, my own eyes drooping, ready for sleep.
Surrendering to the rhythm of these darkening days.
So lovely, Renee. I feel like I am there experiencing your day with you.
Renee, thank you for sharing and painting a picture of your day in words and photographs. Just reading it fills me with calm and appreciation for this season.
Renee, I just recently started following your blog. It's so full of much needed encouragement! I just wanted to stop by and let you know how happy it makes my heart to see "One Thousand Gifts" on your table. Such a beautiful book...
Ah such a timely post for me, as just today I was surrendering to RESISTING the darkening days... I even complained about it on FB. {wry grin} I loved your post on thinking of late summer/early fall as a fifth season; it helped me approach thinking about that transition differently. Today's post now makes me ponder how I can transition to these darker days more gracefully. After a few years of dealing with severe S.A.D. (low vitamin D among other things) I find myself dreading this change... but your last line I will be repeating to myself, while I also prayerfully consider what things bring me "light" during these days, and making sure that too is part of my season. Thank you.
:) This just exudes peacefulness and contentment.
I, too, have recently started following your blog. I very much enjoy your calm words and peaceful photos. Thank you!
Beautiful. Just beautiful Renee.
Enjoyed seeing this side of you...very nice!
Thanks for the glimpse into your world!
"....and the rhythm of your days, the still sound of your hearts desires, indeed the very Life song that you are writing, living, creating.....touches my heart and resonates in the deep place where spirit and soul meet & connect, dance & mingle."
That is the poetic response of my heart to YOU, woman whom I have been blessed to call friend, and had the pleasure of sharing a brief walk along the path of our lives together, with our children & families.
I read these last 2 posts a bit backwards -- I read the 'Music for Adventure' and THEN this one....indeed a perfect ending to my day. Music, poems, lyrics and photos touch my life in ways I do not always have words for. I am sooo completely blessed by 'watching' and 'listening' to you & Damien walk out the dreams that God has planted in your hearts.
Although I am far away.....I feel close. Be blessed abundantly with Love & Joy and May you Always have 'enough'. Thank you for sharing the Gift that God has has placed in you -- your gift of writing & the illustration of your photographs. God uses them, Daily.
Hugs, Hugs, and More Hugs! xoxox Jody, Autumn & Sage
Thank you Jody, dear friend.
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Carrie (jamesrivergirl) on Oct. 30, 2011, 4:03 p.m.
Beautiful. And thank you for your good example. -Carrie