Checking in

Apologizing to all those who regularly check in with my blog to find out what's happening in our lives. I have been too busy enjoying spring and gardening to spend much time on the computer. In addition to gardening I've been tackling some spring cleaning: 3 windows done, only 11 + more to go - I think most will wait till fall clean up! Also, I haven't done a big filing job since last June so that's consumed some time recently. I am a paper saver so filing is a big job - trying to save what's necessary and toss the extraneous. My usual blog time is at night but I've been trying to go to bed earlier in an attempt to get up earlier to have some quiet time in the morning before the kids are up. I've been using this quiet time for reflection, journal writing, bible reading, prayer and walking (not all on the same morning!) We'll see how long this lasts. Morning discipline is NOT my strong point.

I recently got new glasses. So this has been fun, changing my "image" slightly. I'm still getting used to the marginally different prescription. Renee new glasses

Celine planning what she wants us to plant in our gardens - who says gardening can't be a school subject? Celine shares her mama's interest in plants and gardening - we're having great fun together this spring! Celine plant planning

Celine took this photo of our tulips on our table. Spring tulips - Celine's photo

Hedgehog Hill with Celine Hedgehog Hill Gardens with Celine

Almost forgot to add, I bought a new album recently. And oh, is it ever good. Mellow, lyrical, melodical and toe tapping at times. The blend of Harris' voice with Knopfler's voice & guitar is sublime. I would classify it as country/rock/bluegrass/pop and quite simply fantastic music. I think my favs on the album on "This is Us" and "If This is Goodbye" in case you want to buy just a couple songs on iTunes.

All the Roadrunning

« Make hay while the sun shines
Mother's Month »
  • Karen

    Karen on May 10, 2006, 2:49 p.m.

    Renee, thanks for posting your spring pastimes and passions. Grandma Forsberg would be delighted to hear of her grand-daughter and great-grand-daughter's love for pretty flowers and growing things. Your glasses look good on you - it's fun to have a new look, isn't it?


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