
All the time there is

All the time there is

The New Year as a time to start fresh, get life in order, whatever else you hoped to achieve, is an arbitrary date.

Christmas Stories: First Day of Skiing

Christmas Stories: First Day of Skiing

Things change over the years. Skiing together is something we've managed to hold on to, though it too has evolved.

Learn to make soap (and nurture home, hearth and heart this winter)

Learn to make soap (and nurture home, hearth and heart this winter)

Winter is a great time to make soap. There's just something about fall and winter that stirs in people the desire to "make stuff". It's the increasing hours we spend indoors, it's the natural rhythm of preparing for and enduring winter.

Spending time with my mom (and eagerly anticipating spring and summer adventures)

Spending time with my mom (and eagerly anticipating spring and summer adventures)

As the days slowly lengthen and winter's magic wanes (early winter is magical but the magic doesn't last forever) I am itching for a change.

Almost through

Almost through

Here's the hardest part about self-awareness and fighting the dark places: you still have to do the work.

Making a wellness plan for winter

Making a wellness plan for winter

Creating a winter wellness guide is a fun and creative self-awareness exercise.

A phototherapy light

A phototherapy light

This post is a short review, in response to the many questions I receive, about the Verilux phototherapy lamp I use for winter wellness.