July 31, 2017
My current problem with the internet, and connectivity in general, is the way it fills every space of my life because it can and because I've let it.
February 11, 2017
Photographing my heart's joy and delight, it's what I do. But as my "delights" grow and move to independence, as they have experiences completely apart from me, in such healthy and beautiful ways, I guess I'll content myself with photographing the morning snow.
December 16, 2016
Things change over the years. Skiing together is something we've managed to hold on to, though it too has evolved.
July 22, 2016
In general I don't post a ton of kid photos on the blog. This isn't a "these are my kids" blog, but today it is.
July 19, 2016
I wasn't expecting this trip out west to be vacation. When our friends in Montreal found out we were traveling for 6 weeks I was clear that this wasn't a vacation, it was a trip.
July 6, 2016
We arrived in Montana late Sunday night, after driving west for days on I-94. The air was redolent with pine, the stars bright in the wide open sky. The space felt warm, open, relaxed.