
At the beginning of March

At the beginning of March

How is it that I'm still writing about these kids?

Own it. Like a mother.

Own it. Like a mother.

It seems I've lost my confidence in my myself as my kids have grown older. A confidence I need to re-discover as I leave the nest, post-homeschooling.

Auntie Anxiety and her two am homeschool doubts

Auntie Anxiety and her two am homeschool doubts

Let's call her Aunty Anxiety. And I've come to see that her intentions are good, even if I have to squint real hard to see it.

The hidden work of nurturer, caregiver, mother, healer, and homemaker

The hidden work of nurturer, caregiver, mother, healer, and homemaker

Maybe in our openness to another's experience, to listen without selfish purpose or aim, we can make a hallow space for our common dreams, hopes and joys; fears, feelings of inadequacy, and struggles.

The gift of formative personal work

The gift of formative personal work

Mothering changes us. It takes us on a particular life trajectory and it also equips us with certain skills and perspectives our pre-mother selves did not possess. And we bring those with us into every other endeavour we do, including midlife career changes and vocational pursuits.

Second Bloom Conversation with Bethany Lee

Second Bloom Conversation with Bethany Lee

“I didn't have to be the center of my family life anymore and I didn't get to be the center”.

Second Bloom: transitions to new midlife vocations from mothering and homeschooling (a conversation series)

Second Bloom: transitions to new midlife vocations from mothering and homeschooling (a conversation series)

What can I learn from the stories of other women's journeys across the threshold of full time mother, homemaker and homeschooler into second half of life careers? What secrets might I glean? What wisdom or insight might I be able to apply to my own life and situation?