Making Home

Small beauty

Small beauty

Small beauty is a comfort to my spirit, a quiet sense of co-creating. It's bringing light and life into small spaces and places, filling the nooks and crannies of my heart with gratitude and contentment.

Heart of the home ~ Introduction & Big Picture

Heart of the home ~ Introduction & Big Picture

The blogs I read these days don't talk too much about household schedules and routines. I wonder if this type of blogging, "this is how I do it", is now passe.

In between the awful and amazing

In between the awful and amazing

I've learned that until my chemistry, psychology or geography changes it's not wise to have high expectations for myself during the deepest heart of winter.

January for the rest of us

January for the rest of us

I take issue with most January blog posts I read that focus on productivity, goal setting, and self-improvement projects in general.

Making a wellness plan for winter

Making a wellness plan for winter

Creating a winter wellness guide is a fun and creative self-awareness exercise.



Hibernate is a winter gift to myself. The gift of friendship and beauty. The gift of cozy and craft. The gift of learning new skills and trying new recipes.

Summer Stories ~ Moving and Making Home

Summer Stories ~ Moving and Making Home

The first photos of moving, organizing and making home in our apartment in Montreal.