Keepin' it real

home sweet home, a mansion it ain't

home sweet home, a mansion it ain't

A couple days ago my six year old Brienne, out of the blue, had this to say: "mama, we don't have a mansion-y house but we sure do have a beautiful garden". Out of the mouths of babes (missing her two top front teeth I'd like to add - so ...



Brienne helping to paint the closet: love the diptych the mirror door created I started to write this blog in my head earlier today. I don't know how other bloggers write but everything I post has already been swirling around in my head, looking for an escape route. I write ...

Setting the record straight

Setting the record straight

I've had my share of blogging insecurities when I read other people's blogs. Here's one especially that leaves me wondering "Oh my goodness! How does she ever have the time to do that!" And then I'll tack this on the end, "I must not be a very good_______ because I ...

Play that fish song Mom

Play that fish song Mom

I'm not sure how my six year old got introduced this week to 70's Heart music. I'll blame it on my husband, he must of been singing a phrase or tune or something that piqued the kid's curiosity. I know I certainly wasn't the one who said "here, let me ...

Confessions of an errant vegetable gardener

Confessions of an errant vegetable gardener

I had plans. Big plans. I had diagrams, spreadsheets and labeled photos. Sigh.... Some things just aren't meant to be. Like me harvesting broccoli from my raised bed in November. I took this photo the end of October. There will be no fresh homegrown broccoli for Thanksgiving. I love the ...

Confessions of an errant homeschooler

Confessions of an errant homeschooler

Since starting my fall school schedule 2 weeks ago, I've managed to follow it for exactly 1.75 days, or something like that. Life happened instead.

Photography, Soul Salve

Photography, Soul Salve

morning Masterwort Monday was difficult. Here's the run down, I: spent a fair amount of time bawling my eyes out, mourning the mortality of everyone I love. burned myself with tea kettle steam and had to do all my morning chores with salve, bandages and a glove on my right ...