February 3, 2010
A couple giveaways wrapped up here in the last week. So I need to announce the winners of those and get the goodies out to you. But first I'll share this photo, because the first giveaway was food related. My kiddos rinse and soak beans each morning as part of ...
January 26, 2010
If you read any of the blogs I read regularly, most of you are probably already in the know about the release of Jamie Martin's new book Steady Days: A Journey Toward Intentional, Professional Motherhood. Since the official launch two weeks ago reviews of Jamie's book have been featured at ...
January 21, 2010
No word of a lie, last month my 7 year opened the door to the fridge, found a bowl of unidentified veggie slaw and asked me (in all seriousness), "why is there compost in fridge?" I had a good laugh about that one since that "compost" was our lunch. Today's ...
November 19, 2009
This is a giveaway post, as well as a salve making tutorial. The giveaway is now closed. Years ago I bought a large pre-mixed package of arnica flowers, St. John's wort and cayenne pepper (aka: Miracle Herbal Rub Mix) from The Bulk Herb Store. I used it to make a ...
July 25, 2009
Last month we bought a stack of books. Doesn't happen often since we mostly use the library. But some books you just know are going to take a month or more to read and the 2 or 4 week library lending term isn't sufficient. Other books we want to own ...
April 23, 2009
I love trees. They are one of nature's constants; beautiful in all seasons. Their beauty, regardless of the month, is what gets me through the vegetatively colorless season of winter. It's no coincidence that my outdoor photos from the last 4 months were mostly... trees. There's nothing else growing! Next ...
December 6, 2008
Hum... I thought that I'd have more people interested in participating in the sharing the season mr. linky that I posted last Friday. I even gave a whole week lead time and a whole week to join in. I guess everyone's too busy with the season to share their ideas. ...