Gaspe Peninsula

Gaspe vacation photos ~ People & Places

Gaspe vacation photos ~ People & Places

It's taken me a whole week to finally finish going through all our vacation photos from our trip to the Gaspe Peninsula. This first set of photos is of people and places, not everything mind you, just a few of my favorite shots. morning chess with papa The next set ...

a traveler's tally

a traveler's tally

Friday night around 8pm we pulled into our snowy driveway, home at last after 2 weeks away. The first week and a bit of our trip was to Nova Scotia to celebrate Christmas with my family. The second part of our trip was to visit the Gaspé peninsula of Quebec ...

on the go

on the go

We are traveling through the Gaspesie (prounounced gas-pay-zee) region of eastern Quebec right now. I have no photos to show because we've too busy driving, discovering the land, and meeting new people to spend much time on the computer. This is a good thing for me. This has been an ...