Family as community

Finding Home ~ The conclusion

Finding Home ~ The conclusion

Then it all became rather obvious. We’re the adventurers and explorers, the migrators without property. We’ve built flexibility into our lives and our work. We would move to my parents. We’d sail the boat of our family life into the security of their port.

The year I find my fire

The year I find my fire

The year I come into my power and purpose through unexpected means.

Of children and parents

Of children and parents

Unconditional love and acceptance. A safe harbour. Joy and delight in their presence. A commitment to always hold the space open for the relationship. Our job is to love these children.

Situating myself on the political spectrum and the authoritarianism of the left

Situating myself on the political spectrum and the authoritarianism of the left

I identify politically with the left of the spectrum because I am fundamentally opposed to authoritarianism and its manifestations and subsidiaries most often associated with and championed by the right. And it became undeniably clear that the right did not hold the patent on authoritarianism.

Explicating core political & spiritual values

Explicating core political & spiritual values

Doing the work of defining and explaining my values, at this particular edge of my life. Values that grew in the living of them. Values that guided my homeschooling, undergird my mothering, my relationships, and my politics.

Everything is Political

Everything is Political

People’s responses to pandemic policy revealed their true political orientation. It revealed what they believe constitutes just governance. It revealed their own relationship with state authority, and the degree to which they trust those in power. It revealed their underlying ideas about how we should do life together and who gets to make the decisions about our lives.

Homeschooling as a political act

Homeschooling as a political act

Compulsory means alienate and undermine students/children from achieving the ends of developing autonomous thinking and action in solidarity-building relationships with family and community. This is both an educational and political stance.