
A girl and her dress

A girl and her dress

I had failed as a mother not in a vague, ambiguous sense, I had failed in a very concrete way. I had forgotten to take portraits of Celine in her dress.

The meaning of making

The meaning of making

The women I come from, my mom, aunties and grandmas; make beautiful, useful, warm and cozy things. They knit, crochet, sew, quilt, appliqué, and weave. I belong to a lineage of women makers, it is a heritage I am proud of and deeply grateful for. Women who make warmth out of scraps, beauty of balls of yarn, homes out of handmade.

How to Plan a Craftsy Art Party

How to Plan a Craftsy Art Party

Craftsy online classes are high quality productions with excellent teachers. You can go through the lessons on your own but you can also host a party with these classes, providing art or craft instruction for teens or adults. There's so much you can do with a Craftsy class.

Learn to make soap (and nurture home, hearth and heart this winter)

Learn to make soap (and nurture home, hearth and heart this winter)

Winter is a great time to make soap. There's just something about fall and winter that stirs in people the desire to "make stuff". It's the increasing hours we spend indoors, it's the natural rhythm of preparing for and enduring winter.

It's time to change pens (and other ways to honor a seasonal shift)

It's time to change pens (and other ways to honor a seasonal shift)

The turning of the season is an important marker for me. During the threshold from one time of year to another I like to think about the coming months and plan accordingly.

Drama, homeschool community, and the Holy Spirit

Drama, homeschool community, and the Holy Spirit

Even though family is the primary influence, the circle of interaction, experience, and opportunities must expand as children grow.

Five minute fix to my biggest problems

Five minute fix to my biggest problems

I have desires, dreams, and goals - for writing, blogging, and gardening. But progress in those areas seems to be moving like molasses in this season.