April 25, 2019
I grew up in the happy bubble of secure ignorance. This is not a bad thing for a child to experience. In fact I think it's one of the most developmentally supportive conditions, for childhood. But eventually you have to grow up and become aware of your own privilege.
February 25, 2019
Navigating change, feeling culturally out-of-sync, evolving through loss, Heidi and I talk about tough topics in this interview with hope, gentleness, and laughter. It was such a privilege to connect and find a kindred spirit.
May 28, 2018
It's impossible to know the twists and turns that a life will take, the potential routes of family and individual migrations. It's what makes life both interesting, and sometimes heartbreaking.
April 20, 2018
Not going to my grandma's funeral was painful. It was a loss to not be with my family during the remembering and celebrating of Grandma's life. Feeling shame, second-guessing my every decision, running down all "what if?" trails of my life doesn't help matters.
December 2, 2017
The women I come from, my mom, aunties and grandmas; make beautiful, useful, warm and cozy things. They knit, crochet, sew, quilt, appliqué, and weave. I belong to a lineage of women makers, it is a heritage I am proud of and deeply grateful for. Women who make warmth out of scraps, beauty of balls of yarn, homes out of handmade.
August 10, 2017
It is a complicated place, this world. And everyone I know is trying to make a home, find and build community in whatever way they can on this blue-green earth.
July 20, 2017
I am a small thing, under a big sky. And the only truth that gives me heft, that ties me down in some small importance, is my belonging in an intimate and universal web of relationship.