October 30, 2017
My spirit wants to simply acknowledge, every fall, how much I love this season, and how many memories are attached to orange pumpkins, shiny apples, and red leaves.
October 26, 2017
A big part of The Reckoning for me is realizing I'm not exempt from the natural order of growth and development. I'm not a special snowflake. I don't get to by-pass the necessary parts of the journey because I'm a good planner. It doesn't work that way.
October 23, 2017
The reckoning has hit me with a sense of regret, loss and failure. But, and this this is a big but, I'm learning to explore those feelings in the healing contexts of remembering, acceptance, and growth.
October 18, 2017
I didn’t need random recipes, I didn’t need extraneous information I wouldn’t use. What I wanted was a clear set of instructions to walk me through preparing for, and dealing with, cold and flu season. So I made one.
October 16, 2017
A grapevine grows in our neighbor's yard. And it has a story of family and love, and loss and new beginnings.
October 13, 2017
Making changes can resolve a present discomfort. But when we resolve this discomfort, a new one will arise. After you encounter this pattern enough you start to clue in that discomfort is part of the human experience.
October 6, 2017
Watch and learn how project based learning has been a great tool for living and learning outside the box of textbooks, scope and sequence and standardized tests.
October 4, 2017
Photos from our somewhat annual autumn trip to Nova Scotia.
October 2, 2017
Celine is done high school. She's working. And we're learning how to parent, and continue to develop a friendship, with a young adult child who is finding her way in the world. We're figuring it out, all of us. And there's no rush. I had been feeling the pressure before she finished, the pressure and uncertainty of "what's next".