Announcing Winners and Other Cool Stuff

I loved reading your intentions on the One Bite at a Time giveaway post. This morning I randomly choose three winners (using and the winners are:

Anonymous (there were several of you, I sent an e-mail to chosen "anonymous"), Analicia, and JHollyhock. Congratulations. 

For the rest of you who weren't randomly chosen (sorry, I could only do three) use this coupon code, HAPPYNEWYEAR - good till January 10th, to get yourself a copy. In my winter intentions post coming up I'll share which ones of the 52 projects I'm working on now, boring stuff like organizing files and digitizing receipts. Whoop-dee-do.

Something much more exciting is an opportunity I read about this week on a friend's blog. A 10 Day Family Re-Charge.

You know all those intentions you shared with me? To spend quality time together, get outdoors more, find rhythms that work in your busy life. This e-Program seems like a great resource to help you get going in the right direction (or keep you on the path).

I know what you're thinking. How much?

This is where it gets cool. Erin is offering this course on a Pay-What-You-Can basis. That means this program is accessible to everyone. And that's why I'm so excited to share it with you.

You have intentions. Erin offers support. In your budget.

I'm not selling this (no affiliate anything). I just couldn't help but want to tell you about it because it seems like such a great opportunity to help make your family intentions a reality. And that kind of stuff gets me excited every time.

One more thing.

I have a writing crush right now - on my friend Jamie (also my editor at Simple Homeschool).

Her posts recently at Steady Mom are everything mine aren't - short, sweet, too-the-point, and comment-less.

(PS. I'm not comparing myself to Jamie. I'm giving that up this year. Ok, maybe just a teensy bit of a comparison, but honestly more of writing crush. Jamie speaks so directly to the heart of the issue, in so little words. Swoon. See, told you so, a crush.)

I love what Jamie is sharing these days. Her words are incredibly encouraging. For example, Don't Wait for Perfection to Get Started. We all want to make change in our lives this time of year. But like Jamie says, "Wherever you are, start there. Don't wait for perfection to pursue the life you want."

Jamie's on a roll these days. And if you're a mom especially, needing encouragement for this mission of motherhood head over to her blog.

That's it for this morning. Gotta get the apples in the oven. Today we work and have new friends for supper. Tomorrow we go skiing in the mountains (this is not resort skiing).

I'll be back next week with the importance of beauty, homeschool day in the life, and I might even finish that piece I'm writing on my mission. I've only been writing it now for twelve months. One of these days I'll publish it.

Happy Weekending friends. Wishing you and yours fun adventures this weekend. 

« Fall Intentions ~ The Nitty Gritty
Beauty of The Woods »
  • Kika

    Kika on Jan. 7, 2012, 6:15 p.m.

    Please don't ever become too "short, sweet, to-the-point, and comment-less." I would be sad :)


    • renee

      renee on Jan. 7, 2012, 6:38 p.m.

      No worries. I'm learning to love exactly the way I write - wordy and process-oriented. But I love reading short and to the point posts from other writers. I envy the ability to say your message in 8 sentences (or whatever).


    • Kika

      Kika on Jan. 8, 2012, 4:09 a.m.

      I am hoping it is clear that my comment wasn't in any way against Jamie's writing!


  • Erin Goodman

    Erin Goodman on Jan. 8, 2012, 2:13 a.m.

    Thank you so much for your kind words, Renee!

    I'm so enjoying how planning for this program is helping my own family to tune in and be more intentional -- can't wait to connect and share with other families!



    PS ~ I love that you have writing crushes! I do too and Jamie is also at the top of my list!! :-)


  • Hillary

    Hillary on Jan. 8, 2012, 3:07 a.m.

    I have such a blogging crush on Jamie too. And I'm all signed up for Erin's ecourse! This is all making me realize that maybe I need to invest in Tsh's books, lol.

    Happy New Year Mama :)


  • steadymom

    steadymom on Jan. 8, 2012, 7:42 p.m.

    You guys are all making me blush horribly over here, you know. And what happens if this week's posts are all crap?! =)

    So honored by your words, Renee. Thank you!!



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