A warm drink for cold days ~ FIMBY has a newsletter

I can't believe how grey and rainy the weather has been here. I haven't seen a sunshiney blue sky for weeks now. I suppose I should expect this for late October and early November, but still, after the brillance of early fall this surprises me.

This week has started not only grey but also cold. A relief almost. There is more chance now that if there is any precipitation it will at least be snow. Something more beautiful than the mud that the rain has brought.

I have a super simple recipe I want to share with you for these cold and rainy days. It's nutritious, it's warming and it's very easy to make. And I'm making you sign up for my newsletter if you want to get that recipe (you want to get the recipe). I don't like to make you jump through hoops, I want to treat FIMBY readers the way I treat friends. But this time I'm making you do one simple thing to access this recipe, enter your e-mail and hit subscribe below.


(When you fill in your name and e-mail address you will be directed to Tougas Cafe. Don't panic, you've hit the right button. This is the FIMBY newsletter, Cafe has it's own newsletter, by the way.)

Why a FIMBY newsletter?

There's a lot I have to share and give and this blog is not the best place to do all of that.

Give? Why yes, give. I have curriculum I'm no longer using that I need to get rid of and I'd love to give it to FIMBY readers who will put it to good use, but I'm not going to write a post every time I have something I'm trying to want to give away.

I also want to share more of the interesting things I come across but that I don't have time or space to dedicate a blog post to. I will often tweet cool resources and links but many of you don't use twitter and don't see them on FIMBY's sidebar before they are replaced with newer tweets.

Then, there are the announcements I need to make about my own products and services. I don't want FIMBY to become a community bulletin board where all I'm doing is selling stuff. I need a place to tell you when I've got a teleconference coming up, or when I've released my newest ebook (I've got one coming out this week!) or have a book sale going on.

There's things going on that I want to let you know about (stuff I'm giving, stuff I'm selling, stuff I'm recommending) but I want FIMBY to mostly remain a story space. A newsletter is a good way to bridge this gap.

I would love it you would sign up for my newsletter which is why I'm offering a freebie incentive right off the bat for you to do so.

A short little video - a peek inside my kitchen and an easy recipe for you. Some warmth, from my heart and home, on a cold fall day.

Don't worry, if you sign up I won't be spamming you with a bunch of e-mail. I have a Saturday newsletter - Saturday Morning Coffee - that will recap the posts on FIMBY that week.

And then there are sporadic announcements in between. But not too many. I have a life I'm living here (where I really homeschool, cook, exercise, read, love on my family, rest, drink tea, and participate in my community) and so do you. My newsletter subscription honors that reality. We have busy lives, you and I, and I'm not trying to clutter your's up. Just offer some really useful and inspiring stuff that I know FIMBY readers will appreciate.

I've wanted to set up a newsletter for ages now but it wasn't a high enough priority. Some of what I learned at Allume last weekend really kicked my butt into gear to put this plan into action. That, and a husband/technical support who is totally on board. We have established newsletters now for all our sites.

I do hope you'll sign up. I think you'll like it. And if you don't like it you can always unsubscribe! You have absolutely nothing to lose. And a sweet video from my kitchen to gain.

PS. My newsletter is designed to be easily read on your mobile device. So, you can read it wherever and whenever works for you. And if you've already signed up for my newsletter you will be getting this super simple recipe with your Saturday Morning Coffee.

« Halloween ~ I Surrender
Creative Living ~ A Review of A Field Guide to Now »
  • julie

    julie on Nov. 6, 2012, 12:19 a.m.

    I signed up for your newsletter and confirmed subscription, but I can't access the video. I am sure it quite easily to open, but for me computer stuff is just not intuitive to me.


  • Mindy

    Mindy on Nov. 6, 2012, 1:47 p.m.

    Unfortunately I'm having the same issue (and I've set myself up to get it at home and at work since I sometimes don't check home email for long periods). And I'm thrilled you're doing a newsletter!!


  • renee

    renee on Nov. 6, 2012, 3:04 p.m.

    So sorry for all the confusion folks! Everyone subscribed to my newsletter will get access to the video. If you are a new subscriber (as of yesterday) you will get a "Thanks for subscribing e-mail" delivered to your inbox with the video link. If you already subscribe you will get the link in my Saturday newsletter.  No one will be excluded. I'm new to all this so I appreciate your patience with the process. Thank you!


  • Lisa

    Lisa on Nov. 6, 2012, 6:41 p.m.

    Looking forward to the newsletter and recipe! I've been "following" you since you began your journey out of Maine...right as I was arriving! Blessings to you and yours!


  • Irene

    Irene on Nov. 6, 2012, 6:47 p.m.

    When I subscribed, I got the confirmation request and clicked on it. Then got a "thank you for subcribing" page but did not see any links or videos. Am I doing something wrong?


    • renee

      renee on Nov. 6, 2012, 8:18 p.m.

      Irene, you will get the recipe link in a separate e-mail. It's not an instantaneous access. You should get it within the day. 


  • Sarah

    Sarah on Nov. 7, 2012, 12:41 a.m.

    I subscribed, but it won't open at all for me. I really enjoy reading your blog and for me, having a newsletter sent to my email is not as enjoyable/workable as coming to your blog. If you want opinions, there's mine. :)


    • renee

      renee on Nov. 7, 2012, 1:18 a.m.

      Sarah, you are welcome to come to FIMBY. I want you to come to FIMBY actually! FIMBY will remain as is (and hopefully better), full of the usual stuff you've come to expect. And you don't have to subscribe to the newsletter at all, only if you want to (smile). The newsletter option is for those who find it easier and also for me to announce stuff. About the video. You'll get an e-mail with the link shortly, if you haven't already. And if that doesn't come, you'll get a newsletter this Saturday with the link. I'm new to this also (smile).


  • Teri

    Teri on Nov. 8, 2012, 4:45 p.m.

    Hi Rene! So excited about the newsletter. I subscribed, but I haven't received the separate email with the video link either. No worries - I see from the comments above that it should be coming this Saturday, so I happily will wait until then. Just fyi. So glad to start receiving your newsletter! Thank you so much.


  • Christine

    Christine on Nov. 12, 2012, 1:58 a.m.

    Sunday night here and did not receive newsletter/ link to video. I know I have subscribed. Is there anything else I need to do? Anxiously awaiting your new format!:)


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