September 14, 2023
Funny how when you're resourced with more time and well, resources, travel (and day-to-day living) is less stressful.
August 8, 2023
A new camera means a new tool to tell new stories.
July 27, 2023
What am I up to these days? What can you expect on the blog?
July 17, 2023
Going through the pandemic and living in this cultural moment where it feels like down is up and up is down has taught me many things. But one clear lesson has been our human fallibility to closed-minded thinking, group think, mob mentality, and tyranny.
May 9, 2023
Then it all became rather obvious. We’re the adventurers and explorers, the migrators without property. We’ve built flexibility into our lives and our work. We would move to my parents. We’d sail the boat of our family life into the security of their port.
April 18, 2023
Living in Montreal with no family, no mountains and no purchase of a property to anchor us, the question of “where is home” became insistent, especially after I lost the religious beliefs of my childhood.
March 27, 2023
The answer to the interpersonal and intrapersonal tensions and problems of migrations are more nuanced and bigger than a simple "stay local" edict.