in my mother's kitchen(s)

My parents have 2 homes. Their main residence is in a small city on the south shore of Nova Scotia, about an hour from Halifax. Their second home, which my father (& sometimes my mom) lives at during the work week, is an apartment in Halifax, which is called "the flat".

My dad is an artisan builder by trade and their homes reflect that. Staying with them is like living in a HGTV home, only better. Because not only is it super comfortable and beautiful but my mom keeps us all well fed. And let me tell you, that isn't an easy challenge.

Damien can't eat corn or gluten and is experimenting with avoiding fructose right now also. This is on top of our usual vegan whole foods preferred diet. At the same time my brother's wife is making major dietary changes for her children that involve a swing to the other end of the food spectrum.

I won't go into the details of all that here because I could never do the subject justice but my mom is preparing to feed the whole family (12 in all) for the days of Christmas with intelligence and grace.

How serendipitous that she is currently studying to be a registered holistic nutritionist. Let's just say she's getting a lot of hands-on experience right now.

You rock mom! Thanks for all the great food and wonderful hospitality.

« on the first day of Christmas
holiday bokeh bubbles »
  • Spring

    Spring on Dec. 22, 2009, 3:46 a.m.

    Your mom DOES rock, Renee! Even though I've only met her a couple times, I know she does! ;)

    Spring's last blog post... Little? rather?Big Things


  • Denise

    Denise on Dec. 22, 2009, 1:51 p.m.

    she has her hands full but I'm sure that she is loving having you all there! that tile in the kitchen. i love it. actually, i think i could easily live there. you told me i would like your mom.


  • Rana

    Rana on Dec. 22, 2009, 3 p.m.

    What a warm cozy place to be. Enjoy your time with your family. Your mom sounds like a great woman.

    Rana's last blog post... Fall Into Reading - The Finish Line!


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