Weekend Holiday Links

I expect in the coming days that the length and frequency of posts here at FIMBY may diminish. I would love it if I had time to craft, visit with friends, take in Christmas festivities and maintain my daily writing routine but... that might not be possible. In the event that things slow down around here (which I really hope they won't but I think they might) I wanted to point out some other blog reading you may enjoy.

Firstly, on my sidebar I have a new section called Holiday Resources. You'll find a link to Handmade Holiday Grab Bag as well as posts I've written this year and last about enjoying the season. 

Underneath those FIMBY links there is Holiday Reads - inspiration from the internet.

From that list here's a few I wanted to share. They are a mix of reflection, holiday tradition, and homemade goodness posts. I like that. 

This has been fun. Maybe I'll do this again next week. 

What on-line holiday reading do you recommend? 

« holiday un-school
Gifts For Mama »
  • Whitney @ Nesting Season

    Whitney @ Nesting Season on Dec. 4, 2010, 4:05 p.m.

    I hear you on the diminishing posts front, Renee. I am stealing a moment of quiet in the midst of a pleasantly festive weekend, which will run into a crafty week, then holiday gatherings . . . happy, but busy we will be. Still, it would be so cool if you found time to bake Aimee's crisps. I made a batch over Thanksgiving and was pleasantly surprised at the simplicity. The beauty of this recipe is that it can be broken up even further: mix the fruit, nuts and seeds one day, add remaining ingredients, bake, and freeze another, and slice and finish when you're ready. They're delicious and so pretty.


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