my husband's a sewist

A couple months ago I briefly entertained the idea of sewing Damien pj/lounge pants for Christmas. I went so far as to e-mail my friend Nicola at which name? (inspiring thrifty seamstress) for pattern recommendations. I'm thankful the idea died right there.

Because since that time, in the amount of time it would of taken me to half complete his pants, Damien has sewed up three clothing items for our family. My fleece yoga pants, a fleece jacket for Celine and a soft shell jacket for Laurent. Those last 2 projects are featured here.

night time sewing together: we were recently given my deceased grandmother's machine
we now have 2 machines;
we were recently given my deceased grandmother's machine
which is put to good use

Sewing seems to suit Damien. It's creative, yet technical; requiring precise measurements, at least for the projects he's doing. It's the precise measurements and reading instructions that are my biggest struggles with sewing clothing. He's been amazingly focused at getting these projects done, also not a strong suit of mine.

I think from now on I'll leave the major sewing up to him. I'll knit or crochet. Or how about I just take the photos of the projects he's done? This photo is of a hat I crocheted him 2 years ago and even that isn't quite right, it's a bit itchy but he puts up with it. Sure does look good on him though.

By the way, if you are interested in a giveaway for a children's outdoor wear sewing pattern you'll want to check out Damien's latest post at <a href ="">ADVENTUREinPROGRESS</a>. He's giving away an extra sewing pattern we found in our drawer of patterns. This was the same pattern he used (but it's a totally new unused one) for making this wind jacket for Brienne.


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  • Kika

    Kika on Dec. 6, 2009, 9:54 p.m.

    Seriously impressive! I dislike following instructions and having to be precise. When I bake, cook, make cards (or whatever) I kind of 'wing it'. This does not work so well with sewing although simple projects like curtains, pillow covers, etc. turn out fine (at least according to my standards).


  • exhale. return to center

    exhale. return to center on Dec. 7, 2009, 2:37 p.m.

    can't wait to share this with my little guy. he loves to watch people sew and has been doing a little sewing himself at school.

    the way you described it...creative yet such a perfect match for hime too.

    (and explains a lot about why i struggle with it so much. i'm not so into technical details. ;-)

    exhale. return to center's last blog post... december events + announcements


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