September 23, 2008
Since starting my fall school schedule 2 weeks ago I've managed to follow it for exactly 1.75 days, or something like that. Life happened instead.
Family came to visit. We took a day field trip to the state museum to learn about bugs, one my son's many favorite topics. We went camping.
In my defense, I have managed to do a little math with Celine almost every week day. But this is only because Damien sets aside time each evening to teach the youngin's to read so his motivation is keeping me on track with Celine's math.
This morning as I helped the kids hang 3 loads of post-camping laundry on the line (instead of handwriting practice) my mind started to wander down the path of homeschool guilt. So much so I even resorted to a quick quiz.
Mommy: "What's the capital of the United States?"
Brienne: "Canada?"
Celine: "New York"
Uh, oh. Let's try something else.
Mommy: "What's the Declaration of Independence?"
Brienne and Laurent: "huh???"
Celine: "The document that declares the United States independence from England".
Although quite honestly I don't even know the technical definition for the Declaration of Independence, we've never studied it. Don't ask me how Celine knows what it is. I know a bunch of famous "founding fathers" signed it. But Celine's definition sounds good to me. I quickly left the land of homeschooling guilt because I won't let myself dwell there very long. I'm also fairly good at counteracting "my kids aren't learning _____" with "but my kids are learning ______".
For instance:
I'm hoping one of these days to "get back on schedule" ha, ha. In the meantime I guess we'll keep on identifying the bugs in our backyard, appreciating local folk music and cranking up those fiddle tunes, reading medieval era novels, finding out what we can eat in the woods, listening to the crickets as we camp out under the stars, cooking supper and hanging laundry together.
"The document that declares the United States independence from England"
Perfect! Well done Celine! :)
Ha! That was so much fun to read. If it's any consolation, I have the "mommy guilt" too only it's because I DON"T homeschool my kids. would be so helpful if we didn't put so much pressure on ourselves. I try to always tell myself the kids are GOOD, HAPPY, CREATIVE kids. Let the rest go... :) a.
I loved reading this because we're considering homeschooling our son. It's such a big decision!
I've written a whack of posts about homeschooling, you can find them in the Home Education tag.
I'm working on a post right now about our long term goals for homeschooling, our homeschooling philosophy and available resources. It's a couple posts actually : ) Renee
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myke on Sept. 23, 2008, 6:25 a.m.
OK. . . so i didn't even know what a flagon was!!!! What the heck. . . now i have homework too. But let Laurent know that James found a crysalis in the new chicken coop, and while i haven't confirmed it, i am 99.9% sure it is a monarch! James was pretty excited too. Almost as excited as seeing your children at the faire!!