Who Does She Think She Is?

Well, the camera arrived yesterday. I won't bore you with all the specifications and functions, I barely understand most of it myself. I feel slightly embarrassed owning a piece of such beautiful engineering. I mean, this thing is worth more than our car. Yipes! Keep in mind of course our car is 15 years old.

I find myself asking, about myself "Who does she think she is?" Certainly not a "real" photographer worthy of such an incredible tool.

And then my friend Andie posts a very timely video on her blog Wife, Mother, Painter. (Her blog by the way is all about motherhood, art & life - simply lovely). I've posted the video below. It's short and worth watching. Be inspired.

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  • Andie

    Andie on Aug. 29, 2008, 2:17 p.m.

    You know what was interesting to me. So many women identified with my negative self talk and yet when I read each comment and thought about each person and their art I was like, "are you kidding me, your great?". It's so sad that we don't offer the same compassionate to ourselves as we do others.
    I say all this to say, I think your brilliant. Your photos are fantastic. As women, we must all hold hands and be brave.

    Hugs friend, a.


  • renee

    renee on Aug. 29, 2008, 4:15 p.m.

    You're so sweet. Reading your comments and your posts brings tears to my eyes. I'm holding tight, I hope you are too!

    Smiles & hugs, Renee


  • claudia

    claudia on Aug. 29, 2008, 5:21 p.m.

    Andie is so right. We so often encourage others generously and forget to give ourselves a pat on the back now and then. There's nothing wrong with acknowledging that we might have an artistic gift is there? As long as it's not in a boastful or prideful way. Looking forward to more beautiful shots from you Renee, new camera or not ~ it's really you that makes it all 'click' :)


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