April 5, 2024
I just released a new video to my YouTube channel.
Here's a short summary:
I’m inspired and interested to create more video content after we move. I think that where I will be living in Nova Scotia and the situation itself, living next to my parents, will generate a lot of good story telling material. Plus it’s really beautiful there, which makes for good video.
In anticipation of creating those videos I wanted to create a “closing the Montreal chapter” video first. I look forward to starting something new in a new location but wanted to get this backstory laid.
And something I don’t talk about in the video, but that is just as important in making and publishing is the “beginner’s mind” that I bring to this creative project.
I have minimal experience shooting and editing video. I have so much room for improvement and development and learning.
I am compelled to explore this particular creative edge right now. I have been inspired by many YouTube channels and episodes. Putting myself in front of a camera challenges me to become a better communicator, which is an on-going personal and professional goal.
I also see a lot of possibility for my own creative expression and story telling in this medium, specifically in the context of this next chapter of my life and this move to NS.
So I’m trying it.
I shot this video during a one night trip last month to the North East Kingdom in Vermont. Like I talk about in the video, it’s hard in our small apartment full of people to talk out loud at a camera. It’s also not as pretty, without significant staging, which again feels awkward in a shared home.
Enough words about it. You can just watch the video.
If you’re reading this in email you’ll have to click through to the blog to watch it. Or head straight to YouTube.
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