The Summer She's Thirteen

Watching your little girl grow from chubby-cheeked baby (we called her "chipmunk" cheeks) into a confident and beautiful young woman is the privilege of a lifetime. Watching each of our children grow into who they are is one of life's sweet parenting gifts. 

I consider it a privilege also when she asks, "Mom, can you take some photos of me?" When she invites me to capture her, in this moment, through the lens. The blue tank and aqua gypsy scarf that highlights her gorgeous bright eyes. The blue nail polish against black capris. Her unpainted skin and dark eyebrows. Golden tresses lanky at the end of a hot summer day. Oh, I don't want to forget this.

Her. Right now.

She did a pretty good job with her self portraits but when she couldn't get exactly what she wanted she asked for my help. I was oh so happy to oblige. 

(And yes, I have Céilne's full permission to post these. We Tougas girls believe in sharing beauty, even our own.)

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  • Beth Wagenius

    Beth Wagenius on July 17, 2012, 3:36 p.m.

    Beautiful young girl. Capture her beauty and youth! Tell her I love her gypsy happen to know where more could be found?


    • renee

      renee on July 17, 2012, 3:46 p.m.

      Oh my goodness Beth I bought that scarf years ago at a Goodwill. We've both used used it as a belt and pretty head scarves over the years. It has a permanent place in Céline's clothing stash now.


  • Karen

    Karen on July 17, 2012, 5 p.m.

    Celine is such a beautiful person to know and love - and to see these photos of her simple, natural beauty as a teenager...this Nana's without words.


  • Hilaree

    Hilaree on July 18, 2012, 12:52 a.m.

    Oh the vulnerability here...the strength and wonder of age thirteen! Something struck me hard in your last sentence..."We Tougas girls believe in sharing beauty, even our own.". You've unexpectedly loosed a stuck, sad part in me, the part where I deny my own beauty and turn it into shame or where an ugly lie has taken residence as truth. I am thinking about this. I may need to cry a bit. Thank you, and thank your daughter...from one little homeschooling mama in New Hampshire.


  • Natalia

    Natalia on Aug. 30, 2012, 12:40 p.m.

    Celine you're amazing! I wish I was like you when I was 13 years old, instead I was so insecure that I couldn't grasp live in my hand - it's bothering me till this day and now I'm 27. And seeing you with such a pretty smile make my heart happy, because I know that you are such a happy and beautiful girl :)

    I'm sorry for any grammar mistakes, I was doing my best :)


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