Sweet Stuff mid spring

We're celebrating a sweet someone's birthday this Monday, a few days early because of a camping trip that coincides with the real "birth" day. Hope this finds you enjoying the sweetness of May.

Posts I find inspiring, informative, encouraging or just plain pretty.

Mama Speak


Urban Homestead


  • Going a-Maying I'm a little late for this year, but I suppose anytime is a good time to leave flowers on your neighbor's doorhandles.


  • Ready, Set, Grow. Umbrella Blog pulls together some great inspirational photography links.
  • A field of buttercups In case I haven't mentioned it recently I love yellow.
« I love making soap
Salads: what we eat for lunch »
  • kirwin

    kirwin on May 18, 2009, 1:45 p.m.

    Camping? What is the youngest you took your kids camping? My husband wants to take the kids (5 & 3) but I think we've decided to camp in the backyard this summer, as a beginning. I know that camping will be an activity that they will LOVE.

    Thanks for the linkage!


    • renee

      renee on May 18, 2009, 3:20 p.m.

      Ah camping... it's a huge part of our family identity but at one time, when the kids were younger we wondered if we'd do it all. You can read all about our journey into camping & adventure. Your children are definitely not too young to camp, the sooner you start the better! We were camping with our kids when they were this age.


  • Jamie

    Jamie on May 18, 2009, 5:48 p.m.

    Thanks for the link love Renee. You've put together a great list of information and inspiration!

    Jamie's last blog post... Jeevan & Jaan | Birthday Party


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